Tuesday, June 15, 2004

something fun I saw.. to pass time

I was bored....

:x: name = Virginia Poorbaugh
:x: piercings = ears
:x: tattoos = no.... but hopefully soon
:x: height= five feet 4 inches?
:x: shoe size = 8 to 9 (depends on shoe)
:x: hair color = brown with blonde highlights
:x: siblings = one sister, one bro-in-law, and one father who acts like he's six

:x: movie you rented = gee... good question... everyone else rents them
:x: movie you bought = me... buy anything!!!???
:x: song you listened to = something by Motzart
:x: song that was stuck in your head = something by Lifehouse
:x: cd you bought = Three Days Grace
:x: cd you listened to = Mozart Symp. No. 40 and 41
:x: person you've called = whitney
:x: person that's called you = Mom (asking when I'll come home)
:x: tv show you've watched = prolly some cartoon
:x: person you were thinking of = Alex

:x: you have a crush on someone = no
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = of course
:x: you think about suicide = hate to admit it but yes... may a times
:x: you believe in online dating = eh... as long as your happy with it I say go for it
:x: others find you attractive = uumm... i think so... nobody ever gives me feed back
:x: you want more piercings = not especially... maybe my belly button.. but that's too common
:x: you like cleaning = sometimes
:x: you like roller coasters = yes!
:x: you write in cursive or print = mostly print

:x: long distance relationships = uuumm... no... but from my experiences they don't work
:x: using someone = completely against
:x: suicide = against.. the bible says it's wrong even though I have thought about it... still doesn't make it right. I am human.. I make bad decisions.
:x: killing people = hahaha... umm... against
:x: teenage smoking = yuck yuck yuck
:x: driving drunk = definatley against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = even if my religion says it's wrong.. i say if you can find someone you can be happy with for the rest of your life... more power to you!!
:x: soap operas = guilty of watching them when I'm bored

:x: ever cried over a girl= uumm.. don't think so
:x: ever cried over a boy = what kind of a girl would i be if i didn't!!!! but WAY to many times
:x: ever lied to someone = yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = flirting or actually made at them? flirting-yes anfry -kind of
:x: ever been arrested = no

:x: shampoo do you use = various ones if they are an intense moisture one
:x: shoes do you wear = sneakers and flip flops
:x: are you scared of = always being alone, bugs, ppl being mad at me... the list is endless

:x: of times I have been in love?= uumm.. i thought i was once
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = twice (neither time was I in love)
:x: of hearts I have broken? = two
:x: of boys/girls I have kissed? = 3
:x: of boys/girls I've slept with? = well... do you mean as in fall asleep during a movie (2) or slept with in the intention to have sex (none!)
:x: of guys you've obsessed over who wouldn't date you: one
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?= I don't know
:x: of scars on my body? = too many to count
:x: of things in my past that I regret= good grief.. i have so many!!!

:x: pretty - uuummm... sometimes
:x: funny - sometimes when i act stupid
:x: hot - no
:x: friendly - yes...but I know I don't always come across that way
:x: amusing - see funny
:x: ugly - hahaha... many times
:x: loveable - uuumm... i guess so.. but apparently I am overbearing ;/
:x: caring - always!
:x: sweet - usually
:x: dorky - yes!!!


5 letter word: candy
actor/actress: Tom Hanks / Meg Ryan
Candy: chocolate!
Cartoon: most anything on Adult Swim
Cereal: uummm.. depends on mood
Colour(s): blue, silver, black, and red
Colour nail polish: red
Least fave day: monday
Flower: red roses or stargazer lily or lily of the valley
Jello flavor: strawberry
Jewelry: don't really wear it
Special skills/talents: intuition and colorguard
Summer/Winter: both!!
Trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pools

|| Person who last.. ||

Slept in your bed: Me
Saw you cry: never saw me cry... but heard/knew: Whitney
Made you cry: Alex
You went to the movies with: Mom and sister
Yelled at you: think Alex.. but it was IM so I can't be too sure
Sent you an email: DeMolay

|| Have you ever.. ||

Said "I love you" and meant it: yes... BAD MISTAKE!!!
Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes
Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
Cried during a movie: yes
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: no
Been on stage: yes... many a times
Been to New York: YES!
Been to California: nope.. but i want to so i can visit my friend Adam
Hawaii: i wish
China: nope
Canada: nope
Europe: nope
Asia: no
South America: nope
Australia: i wish
Wished you were the opposite sex: haha... sometimes
What time is it now?: 6:44 pm
Apples or bananas?: apples
Blue or red?: red
Walmart or target?: which one is closer?
Spring or Fall?: fall
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: go to DeMolay
What was the last meal you ate?: breakfast
Are you bored?: YES... all the time
Last noise you heard?: creaking of the steps
Last smell you sniffed?: air

|| Friendship/Love ||

Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
Do you want children one day & if so, how many? yes; one or two
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: honesty and trust

|| Other Info ||

Criminal record?: nope
Do you speak any other languages?: uuummm.. kind of: german
Last book you read: Mary Higgins Clark's Pretend You Don't See Her
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: picture of me and my friends; calendar; computer; "bragging" wall; picture of roses and a piano
Worst feeling in the world: being alone
Who you love: Mom, Dad, Kathryn, Gary, Alex, Whit, Kate, Emmy, Alison, Jimmy W., Jimmy G., Steven, Michael P., Michael N., Justin T., Justin N.... the list is endless
Who you miss: Jessica, Alex (when he leaves :( )....

|| You ||

Nickname(s): Gin, G, Poohbear, Poorbaugh, Ginnster...
Initials: VRP
How old do you look?: I get vaying answers ranging from 16 to 20
How old do you act?: depends
Glasses/Contacts: contacts usually
Braces: 11 months
Do you have any pets?: Snowflake, Precious, Smokey, T.C., Momma Cat, Taz... and strays that come to the house Fluffy 1 and Fluffy 2
You get embarrassed: all the time
What makes you happy?: laughter
What upsets you?: when people are upset with me or others

|| Finish the sentence: ||

I Love to...spin my flag/rifle
I Miss...school
I Wish...my parents didn't have to move
I Hope...I can live with my sister and bro-in-law
I'm Annoyed by... too many things to count
I Am... stronger than I think (emotionally)
I Want to Be...with someone who cares
I Would Never...hate anyone
I'd Rather..be running
I Am Tired of...being alone
I Will Always be...searching for answers


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