Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Break

So far Christmas Break has been pretty good.

Earlier last week my room mates and I had a Secret Santa party. :) We had originally planned on going out to dinner and exchanging gifts, but instead finals got in the way and we just exchanged them in the apartment.

Em and I went apartment hunting for next school year. We're going to see some of them in January since some of them weren't showing yet. We need a bigger place... seriously. Our rooms right now are so freakin small and all my stuff keeps flowing out into the living room and I'm sure it gets on everyone's nerves. I hate the Reserve! I mean, management is great, but the place is so small.

So now I'm at Kat's place, Dave is home in good ol' Wisconsin...
Kat and I are having fun this weekend... cheese and crackers and Sex and the City marathon. I love it. And I work... bah, but tomorrow is my last day. so yay! Part of me wishes that I could pick up more shifts, but part of me is happy to be free from any kind of work. So, I'm going home to my parents on Tuesday where I will have my car fixed (it's making a funny noise... I'm sure it will turn out to be a large sum of money.).

I'm done with all my christmas shopping. God bless I used all my money... well, christmas money. Shit... and I still have buy ornaments for our new little ornament exchange because everyone my my close family is pretty much broke. I don't need ornaments... just money. Grrr.... just send $5. Seriously...

After my time with the Parents, they and Kat will be headed to Pennsylvania to meet with our fam while I will be in Wisconsin meeting David's parents. I'm so nervous about meeting them. I hear that they are little on the strange side. Wonderful. I will be tormented with the idiosyncrasies of his parents and sisters. I hope I don't kill myself. It's only for like 5 days.

I miss him already. I know that sounds stupid. He's only been gone since Saturday...
I'm so silly. I love him so much!! OH!!! and he passed his oral exams so he gets to stay at the university!!!! YAY!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

End of Semester

Wow! It's been a while!

This semester has been SO stressful! But it's finally over!! Woot! No more physics, no more Dr. Fag, no more asshole speech TA.... it's going to be a wonderful christmas!!!!

Dave's oral exams are tomorrow... pray for him! He's worked so hard for this and he deserves it!

Now it's time for some relaxation!!! I love it!

Here's my grade predictions:
ADCS seminar: A
CBIO3400: A- (maybe a B+)
Physics II: A- (maybe a B+)
Speech: B

We'll see how things fair through the grading of the finals. I should know by Friday or Monday.