Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year

Ahh... the new year... same old shit.

Same resolutions as always, but this year I'm going to be reserved and put everything succintly... lifestyle change. This entails many things.

First, eat healthier. I will not elaborate.
Second, exercise more... I paid 65 bucks for a rec pass for the drop-in aerobics class and damn it I'm going to get my money's worth!!!!
Third, set aside part of each paycheck so I can treat myself to something fucking awesome when I graduate.

That's about all I have for now. I don't have a set amount of weight to loose or a set number of anything. Just a general change.

So, a new year also means a new semester. I'm taking a lot of "lower" level classes cuz well....I need some of them for the vet schools I'm applying for (more on that later).
Stat2000- ugh. First math class since calc in high school.
ADSC2010 plus lab - need as a pre-req for...
ADSC3300- nutrition (for vet school)
3 "seminars": equine seminar- haven't been yet...will know more tomorrow
business/professionalism seminar in the crop and soil science department - should be interesting
topics of international agriculture - awesome!!! no formal class time, completely self-directed, all I have to do is write a research paper. sweet!!!!

So overall it will be a decently busy semester, but pretty easy. I can feel the senioritis sinking in and the not wanting to do anything!!!!

Anyway, vet school. Ugh. I'm so anxious!! I don't know where I'm going to be next semester!!! Colorado? Wisconsin? or Georgia? I DON'T KNOW!!!! It's all so complicated! Concerns: room mates, david, family....
Again, complicated. I'll make a decision when I'm forced to. Final.


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