Sunday, December 16, 2007

New start...

I know it's been a while and so my "regular" readers probably won't see this in a while, but I'm going to try to post more often. The past year or two have been hectic to say the least. Not much has changed though.

Parents have moved into their newly built home near Montgomery.
I've reapplied to vet school at Colorado State, UW-Madison, and Georgia.
I have one semester left at Georgia (more on this later).
David and I are still together after 2 1/2 years!!!! (wow. personal best. I'm still very much in love with him.)
Working at a lovely vet in Athens (drama minimal since queen doctor and jester left... their names have been changed to protect the "innocent")

So on the topic of school -
As I said I've reapplied to vet school. I'll find out from Colorado State end of January/February and the other two in March. It's just hassel not knowing where I'm going to be next year. Financially speaking Georgia would be my best bet, but I just don't want to stay in Georgia!! I want to get out! But David is here, but he won't be here after my first year in vet school!!??? I just don't know what to do!! I can't exactly anyone else because it's really personal (but I guess since I'm posting this... I am techinally asking. What SHOULD I do!!??) We always said that our relationship shouldn't sway our decisions in life. Well.... now I want it to! So sue me.
Anyway, its difficult not knowing what's going to happen to me in about 4 months when I have to make a decision. I think I've said Colorado State is my choice cuz I get to go skiing and get a great education, but Wisconsin is a drinking town with a football problem... and also damn fine education. Georgia.... a football town with a drinking problem and in-state tuition and a really low cost of living (thank goodness for the poor south... I need shoes if I'm going to living in a cold area!).

Anyone have any feed back?

As for my undergraduate degree. I'm essentially done! I'm just finishing up my minor. w00t!
I'm also taking some classes that are required for the other two vet schools (statistics and animal nutrition). Taking 3 seminars next semester! haha! Also an intro to animal and dairy science (required for my nutrition class).
But yeah. I'm scrapping this semester by with an A in cell bio lab, B+ in endocrinology, A- in bacterial pathogenesis, A in entomology seminar and in medicinal herbs and spices. Keeping my GPA around 3.77. At this rate I'll graduate magna cum laude (*sniffle* wish it were summa... *sniffle* but that' reserved for MRS degrees like psych and business and fashion...). There IS a reason why you very rarely see a science major graduating with a 4.0 It's called organic chemistry..... and the plus/minus system.

As stated a while back I'm working at a vet hospital in Athens. In the 8 months I've been working there I've essentially become one of the "lead" techs (because all the other ones moved on to vet school). I really like the doctor I work for. He's really great with the pets and knows his stuff! I do wish we got bonuses more often (... well... at all), but it's a small practice that has more time to focus on the patients and I get more time to learn everything.

I have a kitten. His name is Bob for bob cat. Corny yes. He's gotten so big!!!! And I got to neuter him myself! Watch out boys! Better sleep with one eye open!

I think that's probably good for right now.