Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I'm sure you've heard

Hey everyone!

It's the OUTBACK! Yes. I am spending New Year's in Tampa, FL. WOOHOO! However, I am gonna miss out on Kat and Gary's New Year's Bash. *tear* Seriously.... free booze! Oh well. Guess that means I won't have to meet Javier (guy from Gary's work that supposedly likes me....hahahahaha! I mean.... darn). Anyway, I'm leaving the 28th and coming back the 2nd. It's gonna be fun and busy. Grrr. Guess the only good thing is Busch Gardens! And I got my own room! };} Party in Ginnie's room!

Well, so far today I have had my last day of English 1101 and Chem 1211. :) Finals are next week :/ But I only have three: english, chemisrty and learning to learn! yay! So I'm done Wed at 10PM. You know what that means..... PARTY (downtown of course) afterwards with Kells and VA (and more than likely some others...hehe). How awesome. I'm half way done with freshie year in college! AAAHHH!

So when I get home I'm going to try to get a job at the vet again... hopefully they'll pay me this time!

Well.... study time for Ginnie.

P.S. I got a 95 on my in-class essay!!!! Out look is good.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

I'm still alive!

Hey! Wow... it's been a while again.

I'll try to give a brief overview since the Auburn Game.

Car battery died... had to jump it in the pouring rain and drive to auto zone and get a new one before I made the trip home. I was loading my car and these two girls come up to me and ask if I have any jumper cables.... how ironic! So I sent them to Auto Zone (told to say the girl who just got a battery sent you :P ) I thought it was pretty funny.

Thanksgiving was pretty good. Champange was a little cheap... so I got a headache. Oh well! It was nice seening the family again. But I was glad to leave! Don't know how I'm gonna get through Xmas holidays.

Tech Game???? there was a game!? Hmmm.... oh yes! That's right. It was raining and I was frozen solid, and I fell asleep during third quater. No performance after all that damn practicing! Afterwards went back to friends' place (spent the night there before the game) to shower and warm up. Dinner.... and then Regor-palooza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome! I enjoyed myself.... After paying $40 to help out with the party I have better had a good time!

11 days til my last final and the end of the semester!!!!! Wohoo!!

Oh! I got just about all my xmas shopping done!
Just need to get my friends their classic bag of goodies, gift for the girl whose ornament I pulled from the giving tree, and..... I think that's it.... oh! white elephant gift for CSA party!

Wow... so much to do... so little time!