Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ok.... so yet again I am putting off doing homework. I ran two miles at Ramsey (17 min 24 sec.... not bad if i say so myself) and I worked out. I saw Dan and Dan there.... that was interesting. At first they thought I was just someone who looked like me. Did that make any sense!? Anyway, had a very short conversation with them.... worked out some more. Ran to ECV to eat something decent since my lunch today comprised of two bags of animal crackers and water. Mmmmmmmm..... healthy isn't it?

Anyway. All this reading is really getting to me.... History I have a novel (which isn't too bad) and two textbooks I have to read. I also have three other novels (haven't gotten to those yet.... dear God). Biology.... first test is next Wed and still have to outline chp. 6. :( *sigh* And Bio Lab.... Oh My God in Heaven, please have Mercy on me. It's due tomorrow and all the info is fucked up. I knew I shouldn't have trusted my partners. DDuuurrrrr.... control freak much?! LOL. Just SOOOOO much reading.... I think I'm about to rip my hair out.... or go crazy. Whichever comes first.

Now I'm wishing I had stayed at Ramsey longer and just ran some more. I find comfort in it. Can't wait til it warms up though... then I can run the trails at the intermural fields :) I also wish it were still marching season. I love spinning.... prolly even more than I love running. I can just enjoy myself. I get to forget everything. In those instances I get to let go. I feel free of responsibility and any burdens this pathetic life of mine decides to throw at me (can you tell I'm a pessimist?).

Oh well, I must return to reality and go on with all these mundane tasks my teachers put upon me. yay.


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