Friday, January 14, 2005

Yeah... so what

Hey everyone! I guess I should update....

Well, I left off at Finals.

I got all A's this semester! Hellz yeah!

I worked and worked and worked some more over winter break. The Animal Hospital decided that they would start paying me. I have such a great time working there, and I'm learning so much! I really hope this helps with my application to Vet School!

Christmas was good... Gary decided to tell me that my butt was getting a little on the *cough* large side. Needless to say I took offense. Now I'm at Ramsey practically everyday...hehe... results are lookin good so far, if I must say so myself. I got just about everything on my xmas list, except a few dvd's and all the cd's. oh well!

Outback.... INCREDIBLE! I had such a good time.... for what I can remember! SSHHHH! I seriously didn't get all that drunk New Year's. I called up a bunch of my friends to wish them a Happy New Year. Then I called my sis and bro's party where I talked to everyone there (I miss them so much)! My dad told me to take a shot for him! LOL how hilarious is that!? Beach was wonderful and the hot tub! Oh man... glorious!

Ok... so now I'm up to the beginning of the semester. So far so good I think. History and Biology I think are gonna be my two toughest.... chemistry i'm not quite sure about yet. English... whatever. Bio lab.... OMG! I have the hottest GLA! Makes the class totally worth it! ;P

So.... I think that's it... I lead a boring life!


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