Thursday, February 10, 2005

So far, so good... kind of

As the titel suggests this week is going alright so far. It is quite comparable to last week, but just a tad bit not as hectic.... don't know if i can say the same for the weekend though.

So here's the run down of the week... chem test: I got a 92.4!!!! YES!!!
I have no place to live next year. period. Well, I won't know for sure until March, after Spring Break.... stupid housing people.
I'm psyched about captain tryouts. The music is robin hood (although at first I thought it was Superman.... HEY! I was close! At least I knew it was some kind of "super hero" song... so back off! >:P )
And it took about 4 to 5 hours to write up a bio lab report. I could have gotten it done quicker, but well, the computer is a big distraction and I just wasn't motivated. hehe

And this weekend... well.... at least I get the house to myself :)
Pray that my creative juices are flowing this weekend and I can get through everything in a hurry!! Esp with writing the flagwork... omg.

Ok. I better read my lab manuals before class!!


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