Monday, January 31, 2005

Dear God.... Please Help

Writing in my blog is just so much easier to write in. No restrictions, no grammar, no mundane topics to write on... well, unless you think my life is a mundane topic. Don't comment on that unless you have something nice to say. Thanx.

So.... yet AGAIN I am writing in this thing to avoid my homework.... writing an essay. The rough draft is due tomorrow. Oh well. I have the introduction done. So everything else should be pretty easy to do. Just need to get my thoughts in order.... cuz Ginnie is good at that! *wink*
Does anyone want to write an essay on how writers effectively use the appeals of argument in persuasion? Oh come on! Anyone, anyone, anyone? (Gotta quote Ferris Buller) Surely someone out there is willing to write this damn thing for me. *sigh* nevermind.

I wish Ramsey were open. I would go running again. (P.S. I got my time for the two mile down to 17 min 3 secs)

Random bit of info: IT'S GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON!!!!!! I got 2 boxes of like everything!
Happy and joyous day! :) It will be even nicer when they actually come in!

So just for the sake of keeping my sanity ( and to prove to you that I am a very busy person...) let's just take a look at what Ginnie has in store for tomorrow:
8-9 wake up, get ready to greet the day, eat semi-heatly breakfast
905-955 - chemistry
1010-11 - biology
1110-1 - break: write the rest of rough draft, lunch
125-215- english: peer edit papers
230-645-SLC to kill my brain off (SLC... that sounds like a drug doesn't it.... LSD... SLC.. eh, it could happen)
645-7 - dinner
730-830- candle party (thanx Megan and Lauren for the invite!)
9-?? (God knows what time) - Bio study session

So as you can see.... I will be missing out on my usual run. I hope I can survive!

Well, I really MUST be getting back to my kick ass essay. Have a good night!


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