Monday, July 31, 2006

The Bitching Hour

The only times I really "bitch" about things is when I'm really pissed about something. Case point: I'm taking a genetics course in which my teacher is the most incompetent moron on the planet. For example, in ALL of this tests, there are NUMEROUS mistakes which cause me to have a lower grade.
"I'm sorry I answered it correctly but your fucking key is wrong and the TAs are too incompetent to realize that. "

Also, during his lectures, they don't correspond with what he has up on the website as the prelims (most of the time). And he spends so much fucking time on some stuff that we don't get through everything and then he says "yeah, i'm sorry guys. I didn't get to such and such topicS. You're still held accountable for those sectionS." Notice the capitals letter to emphasize the pluralization of topics and sections. He has done this same thing throughout the semester and I'm just plain fucking sick of it!!!!

Another annoyance: I gave him my Exam 4 to correct a problem on about last Thursday and still hasn't done it because he's in the middle of packing and moving to Miss.
"Excuse me UGA, but if you have a professor moving at the end of the semester when he won't even be around to ask questions, don't hire him to teach that semester!!! Hire someone else!!" Anyway, I wouldn't have my exam 4 to study from for the final. So I said "why don't you just put these tests out side of the genetics office with all the other tests?" He said, "Wow! That's a good idea. I"m glad someone is thinking of these things."

(jaw drops)

WTF!!!?? I'm a fucking student! I shouldn't have to look over my professor's shoulder to make sure he's doing his job correctly!!!!! The job title of student means: Learning from the professor and during SOME independent study to maximize and expand your knowledge of a subject. NOT teaching yourself everything and tell the professor how to do his job!!!

Am I wrong in my thoughts here? I think not. fucking moron!!!!!!!!!

Well... now I need to go off and teach myself everything there is to know about genetics....


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