Monday, October 25, 2004

Sorry I've worried you...

Lately I have gotten some responses that my blog is very depressing and therefore, I am depressed. I am really not.... far from it! I use this blogger to vent, critque, be incredibly sarcastic! I'm sorry that I have worried some of you, but I really and leading a great life here at UGA. I couldn't ask for anything more (except a better english teacher ;P ). Anyway, I wil try to post for joyful blogs.

Here's one: My parents came up for the weekend! I had a blast! (more details to come later... maybe)

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Let me clear things up a bit

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

What you see here is what I recited in mass everyday.... the Nicene Creed. I believe every word I say of this... and I say it with pride.
My last post was trying to defend Jews and Muslims.... I don't wish them to go to Hell. No one does. It is not our choice to decide it. I was trying to (for my sake) talk aloud about my priest's thought.... I am still confused on it. I prolly always will be.
So to those of you who gave me the third degree.... thank you for telling I'm going to Hell.... I will be sleeping peacefully knowing that I don't have to worry where I will end up after I die. But seriously.... rbf thank you for your discussion and enlightening me a little bit more of what christianity is all about.... r i'm sorry you think me to be a heretic.... current smc.... i'm glad you understood where I was coming from.... you're the only one. While those statements may not hold true knowing a little bit more than I did a few days ago.. I still hold a few statements to be true....

At least those who gave me the third degree aren't hypocrite-christians.... i will definitely give them that.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

What is going on!?

This past week has just been very weird for me.... I'm not quite sure how to explain it. Let's start with this past weekend...

The campout: Hmmmm.... NO clue where to start there. The whole thing was an adventure. I guess with my being tipsy I didn't care a whole lot at the time. A few things happened where I should refer to to my post "Living the Single Life," but then again, I do like the feeling of being held and safe... I'm a lost cause. Anyway.... next thing
English: Turned in my second paper last week.... no response on how badly I did. Class was cancelled Wed. Which was a big help for me.
Chem: Test was Thrusday.. I got an 84.79 (they don't round up...grrr). I know I'm hard on myself, but how else am I gonna get into the Vet School?
Academics in general: I've been slacking a great deal lately. I haven't been really doing my work. I'd get ready for class... and come to realize that I haven't done my homework for the class!
Boys: I'm not bold enough to go there.... I could get too personal and then I would feel embrassed.

Church (CSA): Oh my goodness! Sometime this week or next a group called Unison is going to be holding a "get together" with all the Christians on campus so they can "recapture the campus for Christ." Father Jack has told everyone that he will not be participating in these events. He says that they are excluding our fellow Muslims and Jews (whom share the same belief in the same God.... just not Jesus). So, at CSA Father Jack came and explained to us his reasoning. One girl, who was helping out with Unison, couldn't understand it. And we got into this HUGE debate. Throughout the debate I felt like I could contribute because: 1. I felt inferior (ppl were throwing out Bible verses and such) 2. My mind was trying to absorb everything that was being said by both sides (I'm a little slow). But now I have finally formed my opinion. I do believe that Jesus existed and that he died for us, to save us from our sins and from the fires of Hell. But I agree with Father Jack, you do not need to know or need Jesus to be saved and to go to Heaven. (gotta hand it to the contemporary Catholics.. :) ). I believe that Jesus was sent to help us live a better life. The opposing girl at CSA quoted from the Bible (don't remember where from though) "Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the light....'" Yes, he was. He was the guiding way, the guiding truth, the guiding light. There is more than one way to get to Heaven... living like and through Jesus is just one of them. What about the saving power of the Grace of God? As I said before, I do believe that Jesus existed and died for us, but I think that he was setting an example. He didn't have to die for us. He loved us as God did (hence him being not only 100% man, but 100% God..... God's only son). Jesus was a called a shepard many times... that just further explains the fact that he was guiding us to the right path to God and His kindgom.
I'm not quite sure if any of that is according to the Catholic standards ( I am not exactly up to date with whatever I am supposed to believe), and if that wasn't then I'm definitely not by some of the other beliefs I have concerning birth control, same sex marriages,... (I direct you to my blog "Bad dreams and beliefs").

This past Saturday was kind of a drag... homecoming. March downtown... boring football game.... not a whole lot to party about since we just beat a non-ranked football team 33-3. Should have been a shut-out. Oh well. Few highlights: 1. saw my ol band director, Mr. M 2. tailgate at Dan's... too bad I couldn't stay around but for like 20 mins. 3. Zaxby's dinner with Kevin A., Sam, and Kevin (hit his tuba at band camp by accident).

Hated not going out.. even just to hang with people. cuz I didn't know where to go, someone like two floors down was playing music so loudly I couldn't sleep, roomie is sick/not feeling well..... I coulnd't stand it. Why didn't I just go out and drive around? That would have been nicer....

Overall rating of week: (scale 1 to 10 where 10 is the worst) 8.5

Monday, October 11, 2004

the perfect man for me....

The perfect man for me.... who in the hell would that be!? Who on this earth would want me!? You would think that describing the perfect man would be easy..... it realy isn't. Because... well.... he doesn't exist. At one time there used to be perfect, chivilrous young men everywhere. What happened to them all? I'm not just talking about guys holding doors open, or opening doors, seating you at a table and all the other "manners" that boys should have in the first place. I'm talking about... what happened to "waiting til marriage," leaving flowers and a love note on a girl's car (I actually passed by a car a few days ago that had that on there.... how sweet!!!), or courting a girl. What happened to getting to know the girl first.. THEN asking her out on a date... THEN becoming bf/gf!!!!???? What happened to asking the parents' permission to take a girl's hand in marriage!? I hate society today! I wish I could go back to Jane Austin's time and live in her books where people knew what true romance was. Yes, Iwill agree that times have changed since then and I am fine with many of the changes. It is just some of the little things that bother me. Guys thinking of girls as sex objects, etc.
BUT if I had to describe the perfect guy for me....
- doesn't mind teasing or rough-housing
- likes to cuddle
- not everything to him means something sexual
- lean (muscular) (not a nessecity... but a definite plus..hhehe)
- must like HALO
- not a smooth talker/womanizer
- doesn't leave all the decision up to me (if I don't like something I'll let you know)
- goes to church (almost) every sunday (Being Catholic is a definite plus...)
- loyal (in any case of an emergency he will be there for me... and I for him)
- funny
- even tempered
- likes to dance
- must like thunderstorms and nature
- must love animals
- athletic (likes to workout)
- understanding of my priorities (school comes first!..... usually...hehe)
- caring
- gentle (even the rough and rowdy girls need a little gentleness hehe)
- gives good massages and likes to tick backs
(wow... this list is really long.... too high of standards yet!? how many of you are still in this!?)
- not in a (greek) fraternity (definite MUST there)
- doesn't kiss like a dog (*snickers*)

Well... I need to get to class... I'll finish this list later

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Shall I repeat myself!?

For the purpose of not repeating myself I direct your attention to the blog entitled.... "Living the Single Life."

Friday, October 01, 2004

If this car's a rockin'...???

Yeah so I get back from practice and I get ready for a friend's bday party. I dress all nice and stuff.. whatever. So roomie and I are walking in the Russell parking lot to get to her car in the back. We pass by this car on the corner... and what do you think we see in one of the cars!? A girl and guy sitting in the back of a car having sex! WHAT!!???? That is uuummmm.... words cannot describe how wrong that is!? Ok one... you aren't married... so why are you there in the first place... two: if you MUST then take it to the VERY back of the parking lot... not in a corner space where everyone passes by you and can see... esp under a light!? PLEASE! Seriously people.. that is just so wrong on so many levels....