Monday, October 31, 2005

This weekend


Georgia lost

Fucking gators.

The stadium I swear was a tornado. The wind was like 20mph!!! Those are NO conditions for throwing a flag around. It was the worst show ever! But the gator flagline seemed to think that we were awesome despite the torrential (sp?) wind.

Apparently I was on TV... again. I'm still expecting producers to figure out who I am and call.... hahahahhaaha... just kidding!

Anyway, practice isn't until 5.30 today and goes until 6.30!! YAY!!!

OH! I got an 82 on the regrade for my ochem test!! SWEET! Made an 84 on my bio test last week. Still waiting for the grade on the geography test... hahaha. I can hold out for that one. My best guess would be in the 70s... prolly a 74. I hate geography. Who gives a fuck about the population of the world other than the fact that it's comprised of too many stupid fuckers to count! I hope that bird flu comes makes its way around the world... too bad it doesn't have a thing for stupid genes.

Speaking of over population... I saw on TV (while in florida) this family of like... 16children... yes... 16!!!!! First off, how the hell do you find the time to fuck with that many children around and second, i don't think they've ever heard of condoms or abstinence (they were deeply religious people... go figure).

Anyway.... ok need to get unpacking from the trip still and a bunch of other stuff like studying for a poultry and ochem test on wednesday.

Friday, October 21, 2005

It's been a while

since I've posted. So I guess it's about time to clue you into my mundane life.

Well, two weeks ago was the tennessee game in which we kicked tennessee's asses.... justice prevails although their last "touchdown" really wasn't a touchdown at all. I was on TV like 3 times!!!! or so says everyone who saw the game. Got my Ochem test back last week... a 78 which is a B to ochem standards.... i'm getting a regrade. It'll still be a B, but hey, I got points back that shouldn't have been taken off.

Last week was Vandy game which we didn't go to. Instead, David and I traveled up to Amicolola Falls and Burt's Pumpkin Farm. Later we carved our pumpkins and enjoyed a peaceful and restful weekend (with the exception of the 600 stairs we climbed to the top of the falls...haha. no. not funny at all. i'm really out of shape.

This weekend is arkansas game.... homecoming. Homecoming in college is a hell of a lot different than homecoming in high school.
High school: a week in which kids have the opportunity to dress by themes on certain days and vote to see who the most popular person in each class is....
College: a weekend in which adults come back and bask in the glory of ol' georgia or their alma mater what ever college it may be and homecoming court is based on academic and service. Now that's a homecoming.
P.S. Wisconsin has better themes than we do.

Next week is FLORIDA!!!! Pray that the hurricane doens't hit during the game... that would suck. Umbrella anyone? Or maybe a a drunken wet t-shirt orgy-cocktail party? We'll see...

Oh!!! Yesterday marked David and my 2 month anniversary (awwwwww!) *blushing* I'm the luckiest girl ever!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yet another random thing to pass the time

aka procrastinate like mad

10 years ago I was...
-about to turn 10yrs old
-in the middle of 4th grade (my last year in Catholic school)
-still taking piano lessons
-still taking dance lessons (tap, jazz, and ballet)

5 years ago I was...
-about to turn 15
-about to get my permit to drive
-taking driver's ed
-in 9th grade
-started spinning a flag for the first time
-entering a new school where I didn't know anyone
-in my semi-skater semi-gothic stage (freaky huh?)

1 year ago I was...
-in my first semester at UGA
-have fun experiencing college life
-drinking alcohol without "adult" supervision for the first time

Yesterday I was...
-taking care of my severely hung-over boyfriend
-relaxing cuz it was a hectic week

5 things I'd do with 10 million dollars...
-fly to new york for a shopping spree
-buy a digital camera
-set up a retirement account, CDs, money market accounts
-buy a BRAND NEW honda civic
-donate to some charities of my choice

5 places I'd run away to...
-my home (be it apartment, alabama, or my sister's)
-where ever Dave is...hehe

5 things I'd never wear...
-thong bikini *shudder*
-poofy sleeves
-orange (never again!)

5 favorite TV shows...
-Whose line?
-Discovery, Animal Planet, and National Geographic channels (and History sometimes)

5 bad habits
-forgetting/leaving things behind
-turning off my alarm when I'm away
-almost never cleaning my room and bathroom
-leaving dishes in the sink or around my room
-stacking papers until they fall over

5 joys...
-my family (including cats)

5 fictional characters I'd date...
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter
Harry Potter
James Bond

5 people who should fill this out...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Yet another crazy...

crazy crazy... this has been the craziest week ever!!

bio test on monday- 82
ochem test on tuesday - don't know yet but think i did well

sooooo.... mucho studying and

i'm sick again!!!!!!!!


Tennessee game this weekend... GO DAWGS! BEAT VOLS!! We'll be playing in the big home depot colored....never mind.

need to pack and shit.