Friday, October 21, 2005

It's been a while

since I've posted. So I guess it's about time to clue you into my mundane life.

Well, two weeks ago was the tennessee game in which we kicked tennessee's asses.... justice prevails although their last "touchdown" really wasn't a touchdown at all. I was on TV like 3 times!!!! or so says everyone who saw the game. Got my Ochem test back last week... a 78 which is a B to ochem standards.... i'm getting a regrade. It'll still be a B, but hey, I got points back that shouldn't have been taken off.

Last week was Vandy game which we didn't go to. Instead, David and I traveled up to Amicolola Falls and Burt's Pumpkin Farm. Later we carved our pumpkins and enjoyed a peaceful and restful weekend (with the exception of the 600 stairs we climbed to the top of the falls...haha. no. not funny at all. i'm really out of shape.

This weekend is arkansas game.... homecoming. Homecoming in college is a hell of a lot different than homecoming in high school.
High school: a week in which kids have the opportunity to dress by themes on certain days and vote to see who the most popular person in each class is....
College: a weekend in which adults come back and bask in the glory of ol' georgia or their alma mater what ever college it may be and homecoming court is based on academic and service. Now that's a homecoming.
P.S. Wisconsin has better themes than we do.

Next week is FLORIDA!!!! Pray that the hurricane doens't hit during the game... that would suck. Umbrella anyone? Or maybe a a drunken wet t-shirt orgy-cocktail party? We'll see...

Oh!!! Yesterday marked David and my 2 month anniversary (awwwwww!) *blushing* I'm the luckiest girl ever!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zombies invade Columbia October 28th
Calling all zombies! On October 28th at 8pm, we are gathering everyone we can to dress up as zombies, and shamble from Five Points toward the Vista, spreading good-natured mayhem along the way.
Find out how to buy and sell anything, like things related to private road construction on interest free credit and pay back whenever you want! Exchange FREE ads on any topic, like private road construction!

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's a drunken wet t-shirt orgy-cocktail party, take pictures for me. :-)

5:59 PM  

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