Thursday, September 22, 2005

I worry...

way too fucking much. I really do. I know I do. People always tell me this and I know, but I can't help it. It's part of my high strung type A personality.

But sometimes I totally have a right to worry and be pissed off... fucking PMS.

Ok so, last night was wednesday (BPS night). Anyway, I woke up early to get my ochem lab shit done in time (which I did... just in time). I would have gotten it done earlier, but I forgot my keys so I was locked out of my apartment (fun times... I'll never forget my keys ever again!). Thankfully Dave was there to help me out and calm me down some before my anxiety got the best of me.
Afterwards, I decided to start planning a little for the weekend and head off to practice. Practice has sucked fucking ass the past few days: so UN-productive!! We haven't learned very much. Keck is a total control freak and doesn't take responsibility for his dumb shit (treats us like babies and when something goes wrong he blames us or doesn't admit it was his fault that he told us wrong). We've formed AAK (a pac group standing for auxilaries against Keck). He has sucked the fun out of Redcoats.... literally. Everyone gets pissed at him. We want Brett back. I don't think I want to do flag line next year... I'm just doing more than I can handle right now. I freak out when I have too much to do.

Plan for tonite: eventually eat dinner
bio lab report
study for geog test (test is tomm.... skipping bio to study)
study for geog test
dave comes over and drink (just what the doctor ordered!)

Oh... good bit of news: the band is going to China in May. I really want to go... we'll see. Money issue and may-mester classes possibility? But then again... it's fucking China! How many times do you get the chance to go to China for only $1800!! Seriously people...

Anyway, I need to study for this fucking geog test by myself cuz my study group decided not to show up... or maybe they were just so well concealed I didn't see them.... fuckers. They should have atleast put up a sign.... gggrrrr.


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