Sunday, August 22, 2004

It has begun....

Yes... in deed! It has begun..... School! Death and destrction (of sleep) prevails!

Eh... what did you all think of that beginning? Personally, I thought it was pretty good. I should write a book! HA... yeah right! Anyway, things have been going pretty good lately. Let's start with when I got up to Athens.... BAND CAMP!!!

Well, Roomie and I up to Athens at 8 thinking that we had to be here by 9. But in fact, we had to be here at 10!!! So, needless to say we left and got breakfast. Orignially, I was supposed to stay in the hotel for band camp, but our cg captain (she is sssoooooo cool!!!) invited me to stay. I love captain! She is the funniest and most extrordinary person I know. The flag work she has written is the most awesome thing I have ever done. AH! Now this is what flagline and flag work should be! Hmm... full band camp started on the 12th. I met some pretty cool people..... there is a party EVERY night. I didn't go to all of them though... unlike some people I actually need sleep. It's funny... in high school it's always been the colorguard and drumline hanging out; whereas in college... it's colorguard and the tubas. I like it better. I mean drummers have WAY too much of an ego problem! Seriously... I've dated one... I should know. Moved in on the 13th... that was... ummm..... interesting. I do miss home a little. My double size bed... Kat and Gary carrying on like the "children" they are... my mom yelling at me to clean my room or any other mess I happen to leave behind me... MY CATS!!!! I missed my sister's bridal shower :( of which I was supposed to be hosting. Met some people at church (remember my policy of mentioning no names... you should know if you're one of them).

Ok.... now I'm up to the beginning of classes:

Chem1211: MWF 9.05
English 1101: MWF11.15
Chem1211 L: W 12.20
Univ (learning to learn... yay baby!): TR 2
Latin: MTWR 3.35

Practice: MWRF 5 to 7.30

I'm trying to get more involved with my faith... cuz lately I feel like I'm just fading away from God and Christ. So.... to resolve... I am going to attend Scripture Study Tues. @ 7.30 and CSA (Catholic Student Assoc.) Wed. @8 (hope they don't mind my being sweaty and smelly ...hehe).

Hmm.. well, I think that is all for now! More updates to come!


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