Monday, February 14, 2005

National Condom Day.... this is sad

So another way to express the fact that it's Valentine's Day:

National Condom Day

Featured in my school newspaper..... "show someone you care by f***ing them" is essentially what they are saying.

I do not disagree that having sex is indeed an expression of love, but you kids out there are just way to hasty to loose your virginity. For example:
Mary wants to let Joe know that she's in love with him and all that who-ha-bull-shit-mumbo-jumbo. So she decides to give him the gift that you can only give once in your lifetime. Next thing you know Joe dumps Mary for Jane because Joe just isn't satisfied being with Mary anymore even though he promised they would never break up.... and blah blah blah blah. Story sound familiar? Whether it be from real life or from the movies/television? The some people say "at least they used a condom!" Seriously people, I agree that they were "responsible" in using a condom but....

My goodness people, we might as well call it National Fucking Day!!! I bet all the condom corporations love this day... I'm surprised they haven't taken even more advantage of the situation.

Ok, now before I sound like some motherly Catholic-Nazi againt sex before marriage....
I do have a dream that I will keep my lily-white purity until I'm married, but I know that it doesn't always work out that way (sadly as it seems). I may end up giving it up around engagement.... which I'm totally cool with too. Point being younguns: Don't have sex until you have a pretty good idea of what love is. Don't let heated make-out sessions get too out of hand. Let you brain and your heart have equal parts in your thinking. Don't let the fact that you been together for so many years be it one, two, four, six.... years be the determining factor in whether you have sex or not. I know a few people who have been together four years without having sex (of any kind!!! be it oral or regular... sex is sex is sex is sex...) and they recently broke up because the guy fell out of love.

Remember: Love starts at friendship.
The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment (not the other way around as most people have viewed it as)

Make smart decisions: Girls, if a guy wants you to give it up and you have even the slightest doubt in your mind, then don't! You obviously aren't ready for the ramifications and consequences. Boys, if all you are looking for is a fun time in the sack (and I know you are out there... I've met plenty of you to last me a life time!)... well, I'm just not going to go there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone having to write an article like that is pitiful. I agree with you.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree fully. And its really sad too. Your story that you tell is so ture and sad. Well stated.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your talking about me..4 sex...guy fell out of love...if there is another person that you know like that it would be amazing. You are so right and thank you for the nod. i appreciate this blog very much, it speaks to what i believe

9:35 PM  

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