Tuesday, March 29, 2005

overall.... it was a good weekend :)

Well this past week and weekend have been great!!!

Friday: Went downtown with Matt which was very fun!! I hadn't gone downtown at all this semester. Sometimes you just have to let loose!

Saturday: The cookout with "the group" and plus some. This was very enjoyable and relaxing!!!

Easter Sunday was by far the best! Well.... for the most part anyway :)
I kinda wasn't able to go to church... there was no 5pm mass... Oops!
Chem and bio studying sucked... as usual.
I went out to dinner with Steven :)) *many much smiles* We talked and get to know eachother better. I absolutely loved it. He asked if I wanted to see a movie (after dinner) but I couldn't cuz of chemistry lab group work (DAMN YOU CHEMISTRY!!!)
But nonetheless it was fantastic!
Steven agreed to coming with me to the Gladiator's hockey game with "the group." (YAY!!) I should warn him that Jon will try to scare him off.

*note to jon: yes, i know that any guy i decide to date must have the group seal of approval. I have learned my lesson (brandon aka pinky fratastic douchbag). If he doesn't fit into the group then i shouldn't be dating him (possibility of just friends). However, I will still be warning him of your antics and tactics..... drinking giving a third degree... you are worse than my father. Please don't be an ass to him. That goes for the rest of the group too!!*

Well anyway! I believe that I must get off to bed! Early to bed, early to rise...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*note to Ginnie: aw, c'mon, you know my bark is worse than my bite. You think Steven is such a great guy, and (usually) your taste in friends is top notch, so I forsee Steven and I becoming good friends. You do realize that it will be more about me giving shit to you about him than me actually giving shit directly to him. Heh heh heh. I'm harmless, and if he's a good guy, meeting your friends will make him like you more. Guys always like girls that have cool friends (and vice versa). Stop worrying, I would never mess anything up for you.*

2:25 PM  

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