Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's a wonderful life

Good Afternoon to everyone!!! It is a glorious day in Athens at UGA!

Why do you ask!? Well.... I just got an 88 on my chemistry test!!!!!!! WHOOHOO!! I practically leapt for joy after my test was over.

Yesterday I stayed after raquetball again to play with this cute guy. We played for about two hours and a half hours (including class time). He's a chemistry/pre-pharmacy major and a senior! *giggling like a little school girl* Cute and Smart!!!?? Holy shit.... I hope he's single. I might be asking too much. Anyway, I see great potential for a great friendship (he can help me with organic!! :P).

I am about a thrid of the way through the book I have to read for history, which I have a quiz over tomm (guess I better read quickly!!).

*sigh* Life is wonderful.... until spring break hits... :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does raquetball guy know about your blog? You should tell him about it. Personally, I hope the next girl I date keeps a blog and I know about it. Let me tell you, a girl's blog is a the perfect relationship cheat-sheet. (Cheat-sheet as in knowing the right answers, not as in the traditional meaning of cheating in the context of dating/relationships.) You know when you do something good because girl is happy and excited in her blog. You know when you're doing something bad because girl is sad and cursing you in her blog. So here's my challenge to all the ladies out there: if you can't be direct with your guy in person, keep a blog and be direct in that. And make sure the right people know about it, too.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

hehehe... i'll get his screen name and number some time. I'll do it tuesday after spring break, which will be the next time i see him. :)

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's good to know (or unsettling, one or the other) that I was a foregone assumption ;) But I feel a little weird about reading the blog. Sure, it's good to get inside info on someone I'm interested in, but it feels like snooping. Wouldn't it be nice if women just told men when that like or dislike?! But who knows, maybe I'll warm up to the idea. Perhaps there are things better read than said. Time will tell. At least it's off to a good start ;)

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To racquetball guy...

"Wouldn't it be nice if women just told men when that like or dislike?!"

I agree that it would be nice. But that's never going to happen. Deep down you know I'm right about this. "Search your feelings, Luke..." :-)

12:13 AM  

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