Monday, March 07, 2005

I don't think I'll ever understand

I don't understand a lot of things that happen to me or to others. Sometimes there is just no explination, but just to say "things happen for a reason" or "it's all in God's litte plan for you."

I hate it. I hate being left in the unknown. I have a thirst for knowledge, I have a thirst for reason.

Boys and the things they do sometimes..... it's just so confusing.

It's giving me a headache trying to analyse the complex human male pysche. It keeps me up at night (other than just my pure insomnia... which is really starting to get on my nerves, but that's a horse of another color).

This is one battle I fear that I cannot win or understand the reason for my not winning.

On another note (but still in the same measure *wink*)...
What do boys look for in a girl? I know it's not necessarily the same for every guy. Does it change a lot with age? Are the standards lowered, highered... the same low, the same high? ("It is more likely to be killed by a terrorist than it is to find love over the age of 40..." Props to Sleepless in Seattle :) ... sorry that was a random thought). Someone please answer..... please.

Well... I need to put all this thinking energy toward my school work....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"complex human male pysche"

Did you really just say that? No, I'm serious... did you really just say that?

The male psyche is not complex. What part are you having trouble with... the fact that we like beer or the fact that we are usually controlled by the head that does not contain a brain? Men are generally very straightforward with our wants and needs. We don't beat around the bush or hint at things. We say what we want and we want what we say. Which brings me to...

The complex human FEmale psyche. Now this is an accurate description. It basically boils down to this: women want things, but they don't want to ask for them or tell anyone what it is they want. We, as men, are supposed to "figure it out" from the woman's subtle gestures and hints. I could go on... but this "comment" would get too long, and I have other parts of your blog to comment on. If you want more insight, call me. I have a case-in-point for you on this topic.

"What do boys look for in a girl? I know it's not necessarily the same for every guy. Does it change a lot with age? Are the standards lowered, highered... the same low, the same high?"

I don't think my standards have changed over time... I suppose I could've lowered them, which would be reasonable as the field of available women shrinks as I get older and they all "marry off." But... I feel like I don't want to settle, and therefore would rather be alone than settle for someone simply due to lack of options. In any case, what I look for is pretty damn simple, I think.

*Physical: I need to be physically attracted to the woman. There are no specifics. While some may argue that I have a type, I refuse to limit myself like that. The best I can do is say that "cute" usually does it for me and that I don't handle "hot" very well, since I get intimidated by that.

*Emotional: She needs to not be a basketcase. Not too much to ask (you would think).

*Intellectual: I'm a pretty intelligent guy, and I need a woman that can think on my level and challenge me intellectually.

*Social: My friend group is very important to me, and we're all very close, so it is imperative that she get along with and be accepted by my friends. More generally, I want a woman that knows how to have a good time, but who isn't a flighty party-girl.

*Political: Those who know me know that I have strong political views on certain topics. While I don't expect a woman to agree with me on everything, we would need to be going in the same direction politically. We don't need to be on the same page, but we better be in the same book.

High standards? I don't know. Maybe. But I will settle for nothing but what I want.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

Wow. Well, maybe not ALL males have a complex pysche, but I sure have met a few that have baffled me. *no comment*

Anyone else want a stab at it!?

10:37 PM  
Blogger Brett said...

I can't help. I'm with Jon on this.

I'm getting older. The field is shrinking. I'm not getting better looking. I want a woman who has something uniquely beautiful about her. Yes physical, but spiritual, social and emotional too.

I want someone I can compromise with. Someone whose solutions seem brilliant, and whose everyday seems unusual.

Someone who never speaks a truly idle word, but can turn a peck into a full on tongue-lock under the right circumstance.

No bullshit.

No games.

No dice, as of yet.

2:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You read too much into men. The first thing any man looks for in a woman IS looks. It is the first thing we see and the first thing we can make a judgement from, but it isn't the only thing we look for contrary to popular belief. At this point I stop speaking for all men and speak only for myself. I want is a girl that can have fun. By fun I dont mean being a huge bitch and wanting to go out every night, nor do I want a straight slut; however, a hungry sexuall appetite is a key in establishing a long lasting relationship. I'm not saying get laid every night, or at all, Im just saying that making out and other things of that nature are a key ingredient to the maintenence of a realtionship. Second, a girl has to be intelligent. You could be the nicest girl in the world with the looks to boot, but if you are dumber than a pile o' shit, I want nothing to do with you. Lastly, and I think most importantly, I don't think any man should date a girl that they cannot see themeselves with in one year. If you dont think that you can be with someone for that long, then you are either with the wrong person, or you need to reasses how your end of a realtionship operates. Those are my humble veiws an what men [should] look for in a girl. I don't think it is alot to ask, and if more men abided by these rules, the world would have less Pike's.

1:49 PM  

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