Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Funny observations and random deep thoughts

Weather severely affects mood.

People are just more cheerful when it's warm and sunny. People are sad, dreary, and sleepy on cold rainy days. People are sleepy on hot, rainy days (unless you are me... in this case you get in your running clothes and have a grand ol' time!). People are grumpy and depressed in the winter (unless you are me.... who loves winter... skiing weather!!!!).

Observation (props to Emmy):
It doesn't matter what the weather is like, people will still sit outside and smoke (rain or shine, freezing or hot).

Just sit outside Russell and you'll understand what I mean.

Thought:Also, I belive more people smoke during the spring and summer than fall and winter.
It has been proven that people who smoke have trouble retaining and controlling homeostasis (body temperature for those non-science ppl out there). Not only that, but on all the days that have been warm, I have seen more people outside smoking. I just don't understand. I've tried it..... didn't think much of it...... must be a social thing.

BTW... why do people smoke anyway? YOU ARE PAYING TO KILL YOURSELF!! THEN YOU PAY MEDICAL BILLS TO GET BETTER!!!! Isn't that just slightly redundant?? Save yourself the money.

Georgia doesn't have weather.... it's mother nature's PMS.
One week.... sunny high of 80
Very next week.... snow high of 25
(Boys, remind you of anything?)

There are different kinds of estrogen.

Sorority girls vs. Non-Greek girls
Georgettes and Majorettes vs. Flag line
enough said....


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