Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Do you ever have the feeling that everything is going pretty good, but then again you also feel like everything is falling apart? I think I've felt this way for the past month!

I have all this work piling on top of everything else... Bio lab reports, Chemistry lab reports, and above all reading for history!! It's the reading for history that is getting to me I think. Could also possibly be the fact that Emmy and I are still looking for an apartment.

Oh... side note: The Reserve is a fucking awesome place and I really really really really really want to live there. Must convince parents...wwahahahaha };} (evil face). I am pretty sure I would be paying for half of it anyway. Hmmm... think I forgot to mention that to parents. Reminder to self: will call later and beg.

Anyway, I feel like I just have so much to do and no time to do it in. The past few nights I've gotten coffee from Jittery Joe's (great place!!) at like 10 and stay up til some ungodly hour of the night just to fall asleep and wake only a few hours later.... then repeat. And sometimes I don't get to run! :( This is very unhealthy.

We are creatures of habit.... a flaw of mankind. I don't think I'll ever get out of this rut until something changes. I know!! We need like a week off school! Will Spring Break ever get here!? I want to go back to work and complain and have fun with my co-workers. I have an undying desire to take care of cats and dogs right now.... not to mention seeing my one true love-the man who has always been there with me through thick and thin (with exception of college).... Smokey (my most favoritest cat :) how I miss him).

Oh Fuck.... I just remember I haven't done my English journal entry yet. Son of a Bitch!!!!!! Meaningless piece of shit class.... I knew I should have taken AP Lit in high school!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... Jittery Joe's. Do you go to the one at Five Points? That's the coolest. Is Blue Sky still around? That's another cool coffee house you should check out... it's downtown right across from the Arch.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

No. In fact, a Jittery Joe's just opened next to O-house this year, so I go there a lot. Blue Sky is no longer opened. They went out of business this year cuz they tried to become a resteraunt... food over priced and stuff. Oh well. But they still have awesome milk shakes at the grill just across the street though!!! Mmmmm... milkshakes. :)

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue Sky closed? :-( It's the end of an era. I have many wonderful memories of that place during my UGA years... it was awesome! Nice upstairs with art on the walls and comfy couches, dank, scary, smoke-filled downstairs... lots of character. That's really too bad that it's no longer around. It was a UGA institution. I'm glad The Grill is still around... nothing like a shake and a burger at 3 am when they've thrown you out of the bars.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

So true.... so so true

9:29 PM  

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