Hey everyone!
So I am pretty sure I just bombed my History midterm.... I stayed up til about 3 am. Emmy and I went to waffle house where I had coffee and a big ass waffle. Mmmmmm... I drink coffee at the weirdest times!!!
My stalker didn't show up for lab tonight. yay!
I kicked ass in raquetball today :)
You may have bombed your midterm, but at least you have a successful raquetball career to fall back on. :-p
Jon likes to read your journal. I do too. Cept you don't know who I am... it's a secret, hehe.
YES!!! Now I have a blog stalker!!! I know it's you Julius.... why can't you just sign in?
Or that could have been Jay.... you people need to write your names. It's really annoying!
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