Friday, February 25, 2005

What the hell!?

Ok so today started out like any other day..... woke up early and went to ramsey to run two miles (don't know how i'm gonna manage that 3 mile sat. morning). Then racquetball... which i kicked ass in today :P
History .... normal.
Chem lab- easy as pie (Mmmm... pie).
Bio lab- this is where it gets weird. Okay, so I think I did horrible on the quiz and the experiment sucked so much... the info is all screwy. So as a result we (my group) took a while to get it done.... till about 5 mins after lab was supposed to get out. Anyway, this guy (who I worked with during the last lab... enzymes *shudder*) stuck around for about 5 mins.... this is 10 minutes before we finished. He just hovered around me and my stuff for 5 mins. It was a little freaky. [ Now something you must know about this guy: He talks to himself in voices.... schizo (sp?) almost]. So he finally leaves and Grace and I discuss the "matter." YAY! Lab is finally done. So... it's been ten minutes since this guy has left right? I'm walking out with Dave (the TA). We say bye, he gets in his car and drives away. As I am walking down the stairs, I take a look back to watch him drive off..... and who do you think I see? This guy wearing his gray hooded, zipped up sweater.... with the hood up btw. Now that was just a little scary. He's following me!!!!!!!!! I swear he left like ten minutes before me.

I am Ginnie's paranoia. I've seen one too many Law and Order episodes where the girl has been raped by some sketchy figure. I run and find Grace who is just ten yards ahead of me. "You know that really creepy guy that we worked with on the last lab?" "Yeah.. what about him." "I think he's following me!" "No way!!!!" " Will you PLEASE come with me to snelling and look out for me?... PLEASE!!" "Of course!"

So we get into snelling... get some pizza. And who do you think comes in just two minutes later? Yup.... this guy (if you haven't noticed... I don't remember his name). I am sitting facing a wall... Grace is my eyes.... my only hope. "He looks like he's looking for someone." "Oh shit.... please tell me he's not coming over here. You know that wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. it would be less creepy if he just came up and talked to me... had a decent conversation with me." "You're right.... that would have been better." Boys are such retards.... grow some fucking balls and just talk to a girl... rejection should be the least of your worries. I've been rejected plenty of times!!! Good Grief.

Grace sees a friend just a table or two down (the scary guy sits like three or four table down). She talks to him for like three minutes... then returns to say that creepy guy has left to get food and Matt (the friend she went to talk to) is willing to walk me back to my dorm (isn't that just sweet!!). So I stuff my last half of pizza in my mouth (don't think I've ever eaten that fast before), throw my bookbag over my shoulder, throw the tray on the belt... and dash out of there with Matt and his two friends.

I am Ginnie's sigh of relief. I am relieved... I am safe. I'm not saying that I couldn't have kicked that guy's ass on my own.... but still. I've always had my guy friends to look over me... but they weren't there this time. Sometimes I just feel safer in the hands of someone I just met than others.... it's funny how that works out.

Matt and I talked for a bit.... it was nice. He burned me a CD of Jack Johnson.... I think he's pretty good... and mix between John Mayer and Jimmy Buffet :P We went up to his floor and watched Boondock Saints... such an incredible movie.

anyway... that was my weird night.

This is what I get for being nice to someone who I think is creepy.... they follow and stalk me! This has happened to me before..... I'm not sure why. God likes to play jokes on me or something... I just know it. There is some kind of alternative reason that I am just not seeing... actually I think I do see it.... I just don't want to admit it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yipes! That's scary. Sounds like a situation I had recently while walking back to my apartment from where I parked my car late at night. Except mine was worse... ask me about it sometime.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

i'm asking.....

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, well... now the world will know. As you know, I live in Midtown, with the park on one side and all the nightlife on the other. So, parking is pretty much a nightmare 24/7, especially on Thursday/Friday/Saturday nights when everyone is out partying.

So I get in around 2 am and, of course, can't find a parking space anywhere on my street or any other streets nearby. I end up parking on 11th street which is a pretty shady street (both literally and figuratively). I live on 12th, so it's not too bad of a walk and there's a cut-through halfway along the block so I don't have to walk all the way to the end of block to get to 12th.

Normally, 11th isn't a bad street to park on, but remember, it's shady, and shady is very bad at 2 am. It's probably better to park farther away on a non-shady street, but I'm tired, and I've spent 15 minutes trying to find a parking space _anywhere_ so I park.

Being a well-seasoned city-person, I scan the area before exiting my car for anything that might seem non-kosher. I see nothing. Good to go. I exit the car and begin walking up 11th toward the cut-through to 12th. Out of nowhere, I see this well-dressed black man with a parcel (like he'd been shopping or something) trot across the street right toward me.

I don't care if a person is well-dressed or otherwise, someone walking toward you on a shady street at 2 in the morning in the city is not a good thing. I keep walking and pretend to ignore him while keeping the side of my eye on this character. I prepare myself for the fact that I will likely be parting with my wallet and cell phone, and I may even have my car stolen. He walks over to me and begins to small talk. The peak of the conversation goes something like this:

Shady Guy: "So, long night?"
Me: "Nope."
Shady Guy: "Headed home?"
Me: "Yup."
Shady Guy: "Can I come with you?"

At this point I am very concerned. The guy hasn't been threatening, but this question is definitely not appropriate.

Me: (rather forcefully) "No!"

To maintain the PG-13 rating of this blog, I will merely describe and not quote the next line.

Shady Guy: proposition of activities that are in direct conflict with my sexual orientation

I give no response to that, and I walk quickly away from this guy. I am pretty much at 12th street by now, which is good. (12th is well lit and generally has some decent foot traffic from clubgoers on weekend nights.)

So I'm now ahead of this shady character, but he's still following me. No way am I approaching my building with him in sight. So I continue walking up 12th street toward the club district where there will be plenty of people. Eventually I lose the guy in the semi-crowds of people and head back to my place, happy to be home and not dead, robbed, or raped.

Moral of the story: 11th street is bad.

Alternate moral of the story: I need my own parking space at my apartment building.

Unnecessary taunting: My stalker story is better than yours, Ginnie. :-p

4:56 PM  

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