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Well, there isn't much to report on since my life is very boring... at least I think it is.
I signed up for classes on Tuesday, and I guess that I'm satisfied with it. I finally must face the cruel punishment that most college students face.... 8am classes. Luckily it is just one class: Bio lab. So over all:
Poultry Science 2020 (stop laughing!!!) - MW 905-955
Organic Chem 2211 - MWF 1010-11
Biology II - MWF 125-215
Human Geography - MWF 230-320
Bio lab - T 8-955 (uuuurrrrggg)
Poul lab - T 200-445
Chem lab - R (Thurs.) 1230-315
Then flagline practice MWRF 5-730
I'm liking this only two classes on tuesday and one class on thursday thing :)
Anyway, good news. I got a 92 on my chem test so I think I pretty much have an A in that class. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get all A's again this semester. I'm a little worried about History and Chem lab.... no, seriously. The history I can deal with a B in (even though a B in there will hurt worse since it's a 4 credit course than Chem lab which is 1), but Chem lab!!?? Who gets a B in chem lab!!!!??? That is the equivalent of getting a B in walking class (or any PE class for that matter)!!!!
Oh well... I'm just gonna have to live with disappointment.
13 days til I'm out of this hell hole of a dorm.
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