Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Today started like any other

day.... falling asleep in chemistry and biology.... writing my in-class essay in English.
I started diligently reading my book for history (I have a quiz over it tomorrow) and finished!! Then I had chem group meeting... that is done. Done and Done... all my homework is done!! It feels great to be carefree right now! I finished homework at 9.30pm. I don't know what to do with myself!!

Good things that happened today (besides finishing homework early):
- ice cream with Steven :)
- subway for dinner

Now for a somewhat depressing note (but to me I just have to laugh.... just cuz I'm glad my parents aren't this way. Thank God for cool parents!!)
First note is that it's funny how many girls complain and yell at people over their phone like nobody else on the hall can hear them.....
So this girl is yelling into her phone "It was just dinner!? A guy asked me to dinner as a friend!? Why can't I go to dinner with a friend?!!!!"
So initially Emmy and I think that she is talking to her boyfriend or something... then she says "Dad! Stop yelling!!" The conversation continues.... sobbing and all.... sch drama lemme tell ya. This is something you don't hear everyday. So then her father apparently calls her "easy" and something else that was really disrespectful and a father just shouldn't say things like that to her daughter. Man! If my parents were that conservative.... I seriously wouldn't have any friends considering my guy friends to girl friends ratio is 3 to 1. I feel bad, but all that drama is just so ridiculous that I have to laugh a little.

I know this makes me seem as insensitive, cold and all that, but seriously people. If you were here right now listening to all this.... I could have sworn I was in a soap opera right now.


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