Sunday, April 03, 2005

Giddy as a school girl

This is weekend has been the best weekend of quite possibly my life!

Friday night I went to a party with Steven and met a few of his friends and room mates. Then we went downtown, where we frolicked through the pouring rains. (which was incredibly fun!!!! even if i did get soaked...hehe) Afterwards we induldged in watching DVDs of the Chapelle show which was hilarious since I haven't really watched the show much.

Saturday we slept in. (He let me sleep in his bed while he had the couch.... i felt bad cuz i felt like i kicked him out of his room). But the bed was comfy ;) We left around 4.30 or 5 to head to my sister's place. Gary had 10 free tix to see the Gwinnett Gladiator's hockey game. The game was freakin awesome!!! Great fights.... some guy lost a tooth!!! LOL. We got back, watched some comedy (Mitch Hedburg [may he rest in peace] and Brian Regan), and played trivial pursuit 90s. After everyone went off to bed, steven and i stayed up watching Dave Chapelle: Killing them softly.... which was really funny. We fell asleep on the pull out couch (hehe.... i love snuggling! :) )

Sunday (today) we woke up around 12.30 (damn day light savings time!!) and started getting ready to go to IHOP. yummy!! Beforehand, kat and jon decided to mock me privately cuz they saw steven and i asleep on the couch earlier. IHOP was fan-tas-tic!! We came back from brunch and watched some tv and a movie (50 first dates). Neither of us had seen it before. It turned out to be a really good movie.... especially the part when steven kissed me! *blushing*
We made our way back to Athens, and about half way back i realized that i had forgotten my cell phone back at my sister's *feeling like a dumbass*. Thankfully steven was a good sport about it. We finally got back to Athens around 9.15 and steven made mac and cheese (great dinner btw ;) ). He walked me back to my car and kissed me again *blushing*!!!

So I believe that this weekend was indeed the best by far!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So ya did some making out did ya? Good for you! I like Steven... he seems like a good guy. I'm glad things seem to be working out for the two of you. I think him reading your blog is what did it. And you thought I was going to mess everything up for you. I think all evidence speaks to the contrary on that point! ;-)

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a picture of Ginnie and Steven, for all you curious people. Check it out:

12:53 PM  

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