Monday, April 11, 2005

Relaxation is wonderful!

Well... this past week as been astounding!! Wednesday Night I got done with my homework at 9.30AM. Ever since then things have been pretty much winding down. As long as I stay on top of everything, things should be going pretty good.

Here are some major things to do before the end of the semester:
- Poetry Presentation (which is going great since I found a "Study Guide" to my poem, written by the man who wrote the poem.... how much better can this get!?)
-History Term paper (haven't started it yet... I need to re-watch the movie The Grapes of Wrath)
- Bio Test
-Chem Test
-Chem formal lab report

Those are all the major assignments/tests left of the semester!!!

GREAT NEWS!!! I got a 92 on my 3rd english paper!!! Now all I have to do is rewrite my 2nd paper for a better grade (got an 84 on it the first time)!! I think I might pull out an A in this course after all!!! (awaiting my grade on my 4th essay [in-class essay]) *pray for me please*

G-Day was pretty good even though Brett wasn't there :( But in essence he was when Candy had him on the phone to listen to the band. But yeah....we won the game!! (hhahaha... sorry I had to do it!)
After G-day, Steven and I went to get some pizza and relaxed at his place for a while. He had to study for a biochem test, so I pulled out my chem and got my homework done. It was nice just spending time with him and relaxing. However he called me a nerd cuz I was reading his biochem book (yes... I am a nerd and damn proud of it!!!).

Anyway, the day is young!!


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