Sunday, June 26, 2005

The hits keep on coming

Don't worry... this has NOTHING to do with my new car .... chizzle fo shizzle (or something like that).

Smokey has yet AGAIN hurt himself. I'm guessing those damn dogs chased him up a tree.... he broke all of this nails which consequestally started bleeding. For those of you that know nothing about dog and cat anatomy. They have blood vessels that run through their nails called kwiks.
So imagine this.... you ripped off part of your nails (into the reddish part) and started bleeding. Are you cringing yet? I am.

Anyway, one of the nails is completely ripped out, one nail is partially there so it shoud grow back in no time and all the other nails are black from dried blood.

Poor kitty.

I took him to the vet right before amy and dawn were going to leave... thank goodness. We wrapped it and now he's walking around flinging his leg ever step to try to get it off.... it's quite funny.

I'm gonna miss my baby.

More packing.

Note to Justin: HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA.... sucks for you! I mean... that's too bad. At least I still know that my insurance is less than some guys out there.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I bought

a new car yesterday!! Well, my parents bought a new car I should say. 2002 red oldsmobile alero gl. It's a sweet ride! I love it so far.

I got insurance... my own.... 1264 bucks for six months! Isn't that ridiculous!!!!??? So I'm gonna be extremely broke.... I'm so happy that my parents love me and take care of me :)

I hope there are no more dumb asses that collide into my rear end.... especially those with suspended licenses... grrrrrrr.

On a new note: I've never been to any kind of trivia nights at bar and grills before... at least until last night. I was never very good a trivial pursuit and the such. However, it does pay off by playing PLENTY of "You don't know Jack." Wow, I haven't played in a while though. Anyway, I suck at trivia.... I don't know mundane, trivial, stupid facts. One thing I did succeed in was making myself looking a fucktard by trying to answer some of the questions.... I should just stop talking.

Well, I need to pack more.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


I found one!!!

I went in looking for a Honda Civic but instead, I come out with an Olds Alero.

It's not bad.... 2002, georgia red (great! cops will be all over me like shit on velcro), CD player, fold down back seats, ABS breaks, great suspension!, keyless entry (sweet! finally!!), doors lock automatically when car shifts into drive.... well, here's the website: HEHE!
You're gonna have to go searching for it.... Oldsmobile Alero 2002 Red.

A few funny things happened at this place:
1. the dealer came out asking to help us (the usual). We said we were looking for a small cheap car. He face became a little discouraged and asked, "How much is cheap?" We kinda laughed because we knew what he was talking about. Dad, "$10000 or less." Dealer, "Oh ok! We can do business." He went on to tell us that many people around here (aka Mexicans) come around looking to buy a car for like 1000 or less. We laughed because we knew it was true!

2. the dealer went on this big schpeal about keeping their cars in great condition and they do most of their own repairs and also send off to shops. (They give a 3 month warranty... that's great if you ask me!) Anyway, when Dad and I test drove the Alero.... the AC didn't exactly work all that well.... as if the Heater was constantly on. We told the man when we got back. You could tell he seemed a little urked by this and apologized for the mishap. He said he would get the AC repair by Monday (which we will be returning on monday to haggle the price). But somehow I know that some mechanic over there is going to get his ass chewed out by the dealer... I just know it.

So those were the funny things that happened while car shopping.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Not again!!!!!

Ok... so here's the scene:

Ginnie is driving home from work, runs into the house, and changes into her swim suit for doing laps at the new aquatic center off rockbridge road.
She meanders her way to the center and sits in front of the center with her left blinker on to turn into the center's parking lot.
*thinking: "That is coming from behind... FUCK!"
Ginnie's head slams into the side window as the car does a 180 and is now facing in the other direction.
Slowly, Ginnie putts her car into the shoulder of the road right in front of the sign. Unfortunately a small portion of the rear of the car is still in the road....

Ginnie grabs her head and thinks to herself "Mother fucker!!!!"

The man gets of his car crosses the road; meanwhile, Ginnie cautiously gets out of her car.

The man, being very verbose, gives Ginnie his life story: has had 4 DUIs and has his license revoked/suspended for 5 years; he will be getting his liscense back in a month. He asks me to lie about a friend driving his car. Ginnie agrees but has a hidden agenda: she will be honest... stupid mother fucker. The man says he will be arrested and blah blah blah blah blah blah.... boo hoo Ginnie thinks to herself. You should have been more careful.

The man tries to cut Ginnie a check for 3,000 dollars; meanwhile, Ginnie is standing there a little dumbfounded and unsure of what to do. She calls the cops 1. because she was in an accident and 2. she locked her keys in the car... oops!

I get his insurance stuff... state farm. Wow! They do good work.

30 minutes later.... a cop arrives at the scene: yay! Great to see that tax dollars are being well spent. Anyway, the cop proceeds to ask what happened and whatever... the man lies. The cop pulls Ginnie aside to ask her what happened.
Cop: "Is he lying?"
Ginnie: *nods head* "Yes."
Cop: "Yeah. I thought so. His hand was quivering as he spoke. You (as in people in general) can't bullshit me."
Ginnie: *laughs inside. Thinks: haha... yeah, I should start learning body lang.*

Processing BS.... LLOOOONNNG waiting period

Ginnie hands the cop what is in her hands... including the check.
Cop: "I wouldn't trust this if I were you (or something along those lines."'
Ginnie: *stands in silence still unsure of what is going on*

Later the cop asks Richie and me to do a little investigating and find a number to a local south trust bank (the bank that was on the check). I love that cell phones have the internet!! We give the number to the cop. The check is his brother's account (which the man DID tell us... at least he was honest about that much).

*side note: the car was taken to a body shop which the toyota dealership recommended and State Farm is taking care of it.... for the most part*

So as a result of all of this: The man is being charged with forgery of a check (which I must give a statement on... his brother is pressing charges... HHAHAHA.... i mean, that's so sad), following too closely, driving with a suspended license, having a concealed weapon (he had a knife on him), and possibly drug use (he had a pipe in his car). Hmmmmm....
Sucks for him.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I competely forgot to tell you

about what my grades were. Well, I got my first B :*(
And it was an 89!!!!!!!! gggrrrrr... stupid history class

Anyway, here's the run down
History B
Biology A
Chemistry A
English A
Raquetball Pass
Chem Lab A

Friday, June 03, 2005

Sweet Home Alabama

Howdy ya'll... guess I should get used to saying those words. Well, not really.
My parents sold the house yesterday... yipee (can you hear the enthusiasm in my tone?... yeah... didn't think so).
I will be living with my sister... in the computer room because Jon has stolen my room from me
After living at Kat's I will be living in Athens :)

I hate packing...