Wednesday, November 09, 2005

And Update, oh my!

Well, I'm sitting on the 6th floor of the chem building awaiting to get my third ochem test back... can we say failure!? haha... we'll see in a few minutes.

Anyway, today I had to register for classes (Side note: I'm PMSing and that means I'm extremely sensitive and take everything personally... haha gotta love it right?) So I got my physics lecture and lab (8am lab again yuck) and i got "bio chem" (through the biology department... same exact class and teacher though). Chem lab is on wed from 3.30 to 6.30 essentially meaning that it's 30 minutes before tests on ochem test days... SUCK LESS! I don't have an ochem lecture yet thanx to the fact that bastards and bitches who took all the spaces and will fail anyway. I got my two seminar classes that I wanted... yay.

So all I need is that damn lecture class!!! Someone needs to drop within the next month and a half right?

Anyway... OH TESTS!! hold on a sec....

Yeah, so a few weeks have pasted since I started the beginning part of this. So I got an 86 on the test (which is an A). In bio... I finally got an A on one of the tests!! WHOHOOO!!

Ok, so now it is thanksgiving holiday. I'm at my sister's place and my parents came up from Alabama. yay!! So it's currently, 61 degrees and sunny skies! AND IT"S THE MIDDLE/END OF NOVEMBER!!!

Good news for Kathryn hopefully. She was tricked into going out last night by her friends and co-workers to meet a guy. They exchanged phone numbers, so we'll see what happens. Kat says he's REALLY cute, so I hope he has good personality to match and they hit it off. She deserves this (and so much more!)

Also, today I changed my oil... I think my dad and I both hurt ourselves. Last time I'll ever get a service guy to do it with power tools. It took literally 20 minutes for me AND my dad to loosen the oil plug. After that everything was easy as pie.

Just before I left to come home, I got my lecture class!! YEAH!! OH! And on the 20th, it was David's and my 3 month anniversary! :) :) :)

So back to cooking!!!!


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