Friday, December 09, 2005


Well, it's been a while since I've updated. Not too much has happened in the past few weeks except to say that yesterday was the last day of classes and I didn't have any classes!!! How awesome right? So Dave and I went out to drink and play pool except that I didn't' drink but half a beer. Naturally we were good a good match against each other... as always. I think we are practically equal in all our games lol. I wish we had played against a group though but nobody challeneged us... bummer. We almost always beat the other team. hehe.

Ok, so finals week is next week and here's the schedule:
Mon 330-630 Geog 1101 (definitely a B in the class.... and it's my fluff class!!!)
Wed 8-11am Poul2020 (hopefully an A in the class)
7-10pm Chem2211 (definitely a B in lecture.... A or B in lab)
Fri 12-3pm Bio 1108 (hopefully an A)

Kind of a shitty schedule considering the fact that I have to 1. stay until the last day of finals 2.have another final the same day as ochem.... shit. at least they are at opposite ends of the day.

well, i SHOULD start studying for my geog final. I won't try too hard cuz even if I get a 100, I'll still get a B. *tear*


Blogger Dave said...

OMG! Not a "B"!

9:53 AM  

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