Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Kill me now...

I know I will regret this later, but I'm writing instead of studying for my finals that I have at 8am and 7pm... poultry and ochem, respectively.

I hate 8am finals... I'm pulling an all-nighter tonite. It's 10pm and I already brought out the coffee. I was supposed to sleep at dave's tonight, but since I have a lot of shit to study (which would require my packing up all that shit and lugging it around) we decided that he would sleep here tonight. Maybe tomorrow night we can sleep at his place. No... that's a definite. We are practically living together.. so why not just move in together. uumm... no, nien, niet (sp?), nae. I say nae. ;)
There are a plethora of reasons....

Anyway, this must be the shittest week ever... finals and blood flowing from my croch like niagra falls... shouldbe ruby falls...hahahahhahaha. Anyway, roll tide. Aunt flow has moved in for the week. blah blah blah... I'm on the bitch which is currently making me into the bag full of mush which likes to cause my emotions to do the whole: I hate you, I hate myself, I hate life, I want to cry for no fucking reason whatsoever... did I ever mention that I loved this time of month? No, that's cuz I hate it with every fiber of my being. I'm considering changing my birth control to those pills that only make you have your period four times a year... hell yeah! That would be fucking awesome. But that would suck... cuz that means that you wouldn't be able to tell that you're preggy until a few months into.... hhmm... apparently ppl didn't think that one through.

Eventually I see in the future, women just getting histerectomies (sp?) and babies being born in an artifical uteri. This would solve the problem of menopause and those fucking painful cramps that make you wish you could just reach in an pull out the fucking thing.

Am I being completely irrational? If I am then deal with it...

Back to the all-nighter. I hate ochem so much I think I will just save it til tomorrow to study for. I mean... I have from 11am to 6.30pm to study for it right? I agree.


Well, let me get a little more in (something nice). I don't think that I could make it through this week without David. He's been nothing but supportive and caring and with my being on the bitch and all... well... i've been a bitch... cold and bitter. And I'm sorry. I really wish I could control it.... but hormones rule the body more than the brain does. I don't mean to make others roll their eyes, but I am sorry. :(


Blogger Brett said...

Sorry about the effects of the week, which might seem like an era... neverthless, I owe you a song. IM me after I'm back and I will send you the somewhat finished version.

3:42 AM  

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