Saturday, January 28, 2006

Update, I guess

Not a whole lot to post on...

So far the semester is going well. Physics is kind of review.. first test this Thurs (YIKES!! better study soon) Ochem is a little shifty... first test this Wed (DOUBLE YIKES!!!)

Biochem... i'll let you know... it's really boring!!!!!

My seminars.... interesting and boring so far.
Poultry seminar i'm doing my presentation on apoptosis - programmed cell death. I find it very interesting!

Sorry this update is boring as hell, but oh well!!

P.S. Girls who wear cheerleader shorts and marshmellow winter jackets in 50 degree weather are retarded!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's a little late..

but then again it's never too late to have resolutions right?

So here are my New Year's Resolutions:
1. To love everyone unconditionally
2. Stay focused this semester and get more A's
3. Keep my room cleaned to a certain extent
4. Try not too get mad when I lose at a game (be it risk or chess...)
5. Go to work at least twice a month
6. Attempt to work out once the "rush" is over.

If I think of anything else I'll put it up...

BTW... i totally won Risk last night WITHOUT cheating!!! HA!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine. - Whoopi Goldberg

I found this quote online a while ago and thought it was kind of funny.... yet true. It's just a cycle in our lives... among all the other cycles....

or maybe what she means is that there is no normal in human behavior... it's just a mechanical name for basic...

I hope my life would return to normalcy in the next few days/weeks, but honestly, what is normal?? Normal is in the eye of the beholder, right?

so, make your own decisions.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What is going on...

I don't know.... I just don't know.

My thoughts and feelings have been fluctuating like a woman's estrogen level during menopause.... i'm hot, i'm cold, i'm angry, i'm sad, i'm frustrated, i'm depressed, i'm psuedo-happy.

I understand what's going on, but I wish I were niave enough to think it all a farce.

That will be my quote for the week.

I wish I could wish certain times of my life and certain people in my life away... they just make things harder and more complicated.

Since I've been through this type of thematic scenario before, I will endure. I won't be happy with it... but I will endure and I will survive.

I don't know why God tests me like this. I don't understand. I need to go to church more often this semester than last. I've gone astray. I'm the sheep that is lost in the pasture... the black sheep that is. I'm not hard to find, but I'm stubborn enough to keep losing myself. I know I bring some things onto myself, but this, I don't think I deserve.

I've been very patient and foreboding. I haven't criticized nor have I pushed. I think this is the best route - a few bumps and rocks, but better than the other roads. I've been loving, caring, understanding, kind... I am love - at least for the most part according to 1 Corinthians. I am not jealous.... I have nothing to be jealous of. The only thing I'm guilty of is lending a helping hand and being there to comfort a friend, a boyfriend, and a lover.

I am love. I don't know what to be other than that. It's all I've been taught.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years

Well, this New Years was kinda shitty.

I wouldn't rather not recall all the events.... besides lots of crying, forgiving, comforting....

don't bother asking about it cuz i'm not going to talk you about it.. unless you are one of the few that i have disclosed my thoughts and feelings too.