Monday, August 21, 2006


Your Political Profile:
Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

First day of classes

weren't what I expected.

Anyway, my classes thus far and what I think of them.

Cell Biology: a little hard to say, but I think it will challenge me quite a bit. The teachers don't talk very loud. I may have to move to the front... uh oh.

Physics II: apparently I am taking one of the hardest teachers... yay... but I hear he is really good at what he does. I don't mind the fact that he is also gay, but it's the fact that he does the stereotypical voice... no joke. the voice is annoying... that's about it. OH! he requires us to turn in homework. yeah.... I'm not in high school you jack ass! I know how to take care of myself.

Speech: it's speech.... it's going to suck. Four speeches (five really, but one of them isn't graded). Introduction (ungraded), imitation (do a speech that someone else has written), policy persuasive (enough said... i'm totally doing drinking age if I can), point-counterpoint speech (paired) and point-counterpoint rebuttal (which is done after you hear the opposing teams' speech.... totally on the fly!!!) I don't like speaking of the fly.... I'm going to hate this class. I'd drop it, but I can't find another class. Grrrr

Project FOCUS: go off campus and observe and teach at an elementary school. Should be fun... hopefully not too stressful.

Animal and Dairy Science seminar: go to class.... listen to speakers. But here's the twist: 10 points go toward forming a resume and critquing it and interviewing an animal science professional. THEN! there's 20 points that need to be "made up" by doing various things from a list that the teacher provided us with. Like I have time for all that!

I'm going to be very busy with all this AND working at the Vet school. I'm gonna kill myself.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

One week of summer

has come and gone. I'm a little richer... but yet a little poorer.

Even though I did not get to go to the beach, I DID get to work, take the GRE, and go to a Braves' game. That's what my whole summer would have been like... packed into a whole freakin week.

Anyway, so who gets to start a new job at the vet school on Monday!!? ME!!!!! Oh yeah! I'm totally psyched about it! I go in at 10 and fill about a bunch of paperwork... yay.

I'm just worried about everything fitting together and getting done.... do I have too much on my plate? I mean, I'm already historian for the Pre-Vet Club, I need to get my vet school application done, I have a class that requires me to go off campus to observe/teach at an elementary school.... and now I have a part-time job. I need to stay on my game....

Oh yeah... and the GRE sucked..... a lot. I won't even mention my scores.

Friday, August 04, 2006


and it feels good. now I have ONE WEEK of relaxation.

Relaxation?? Let's see... the next five days I'll be working and "studying" for the GRE which is this coming Friday. I'll be back in athens on thursday cuz the fucking internet won't work and ARG! I have to wait for a stupid technician to say "You need a new modem. You should rent one of ours which will cost you an arm and a leg in the long run, but really... you should." Which in reply I will say "Gee... I'm so glad I needed someone here of your high knowledge in technology to tell me something I already knew. And No you fucker I don't wany any Charter shit, I'm only using their service cuz I don't have a choice. I'll just dish out the 20 bucks for a new modem." I just wish something would work for once.... fucking Charter.

Sometime during this coming week, I should be expecting a call from a woman who works as a technician in the neurology department of the small animal hospital at the Vet School at UGA to tell me whether or not I got the orderly job. I REALLY hope I do!!! That would be so freakin awesome!!!

And then Saturday is Braves vs. Brewers Game!!! w00t!!! It's been FOREVER since I've been to a baseball game. It will give Dave and I a chance to "bond" since we haven't really gotten out much this summer.

Then two more days and school starts. How frustrating. I'm never taking a summer class again.