Thursday, September 07, 2006


I haven't been updating on a regular basis.

This semester is very trying of my nerves.

First football game.... and I wasn't in the band!!! I missed it, but I didn't miss the waking up at crack of dawn to practice and sit in the stadium 2 hours before the game started. I was happy.

Work. I got a job as an orderly at the Vet school. I had a little "rub" with my boss (the head tech of neurology) today. Apparently I'm a slacker and I'm not doing my job. She tried putting me in my place by telling me that I am not a vet student yet and I shouldn't be getting involved in all the vet student stuff. I apparently spend too much time in the MRI truck "sitting around doing nothing."

She... couldn't... be...more.....wrong.

Oh! and apparently I'm slacking on the stocking. Well, let me straighten that out. There are two of us orderlys she is in charge of. I usually do ALL the stocking of the rooms when I come in. So when the other orderly comes in the afternoon, she is left with nothing to do. So, I told her I would leave a little bit of stocking to do so she isn't just stuck walking dogs. I got my ass chewed out for not having stuff stocked......


So I have made a vow to myself: I will not, under any circumstance, leave anything undone or unstocked no matter how much the other girl wants me to leave her stuff to do. First thing in the morning I will come in sweep and mop (which I do anyway). Then I will proceed to go to the MRI room to stock everything..... to TWICE the amount that is needed. Then I will proceed to the office room where I will stock everything to absolute full capacity. Next, I will walk dogs even when they are not supposed to be walked - love on them and everything. I will get this done within the first hour (and a half if there are a lot of dogs) that I am there. I don't give a flying fuck if the other orderly is stuck with nothing to do.

Techie (boss) can kiss my fucking ass. Maybe if she paid more attention to what was going on she would understand. She is offically on my BITCH list. And she will never get off of it until I get some fucking recognition. I can't wait til I eventually get to vet school... I'll show her ass just how much better I am than her. I'll get mine.

just wait...... just wait....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah! A little angry?

3:21 AM  

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