Friday, April 29, 2005

Fucked by the system

Ok so let me know what you think of this situation

*NOTE: It is currently 1.30AM and I am very very VERY tired from studying biology sine 8pm... my brain in fried. End side note*

OK, so I get my term paper back from my history TA... I receive an A. Great I say to myself. Then I notice that everyone else got back there last book quiz. "Where is mine?" I promptly ask my non-english speaking TA. "Oh, you did not turn one in. I do not have a grade for you." I proceed by reiterating the fact that I was present the day of the quiz. I even went on to mention the color ink I used and some of the funny comments and mistakes I made on my quiz. He told me "Maybe it got mixed up with the other TA's quizzes. But if I do not get it, then I must assume that you did not take the quiz." At this moment, I stand there.... dumbfounded... rendered almost speechless except to say "I took that quiz." I walked out and ran to my chem lab (the last one of the day.... yay!!!).

Anyway, I will soon by writing my professor an email stating my prediciment (sp?). I do not deserve to receive a zero on a quiz that I know I took. I REFUSE to be penalized for a mistake that I did not make nor could have prevented from happening. I REFUSE to accept a zero of which could defer my getting an A in the class. I REFUSE!!!! DAMN IT!!!

I f***ing hate the history department.... I FUCKING HATE getting screwed/raped/fucked/whatever you want to call it for something I did not do. I want justice damn it, and I will not rest til this is resolved!!!!

And now to rest for my bio test of which will rape me up the ass.

Good night. gggggrrrrrrrrr


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon's advice:

E-mail or speak to your professor immediately about the problem. Do not wait for the "0" to show up on your grade. If your professor turns a blind eye or refuses to help or just refers you back to your incompetent TA, go to the Dean of Student Affairs about it. - that office is basically your advocate and they can help you muddle through your situation with the history department. It'll work out. Stay strong. I was once fucked by GA Tech when I went there, and the office of student affairs was most helpful.

1:33 PM  

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