Thursday, April 21, 2005

Is it true!?

Ok... just to comment on my little "love profile thing" (see two posts prior to this one... you'll see the Scorpio link).

My positive traits:
making people I date feel extremely wanted - I have actually been told this by a few guys that I have dated.
loyalty - I am very protective of my friends... only once have I been called overbearing for it. So what if I'm a very caring person! That's me, and if you can't deal.... well, then you are obviously not worthy.
mysterious and charismatic - hhhhmmm.... I like. tell me more. In all seriousness, I must laugh. I mean... really!? I'm only a mystery cuz I don't talk about myself unless you ask. Charismatic - ppuuhleezz! I can hardly get my cats to listen to me let alone a group of people

The negative traits: oooh, this is where it get icky (but yet true...unfortunately)
tend to be paranoid and think the worst is going on with your lover - Ok, if I show ways that I care about you... please tell me you appreciate it or do something that makes me think so!!
turn cold and mean at first sign of conflict - not so much true, but I do start to lose faith (depends on the arguement though)
obsessed with dates and develop jealousy early on - hhhhmmm.... I don't obsess, but I do develope jealousy..... that is bad I know. Go with the flow! Good thing green isn't my color.

Ideal partner: };} Wow.... I'm speechless
Someone who will take time to win you over. Not an easy task! - Hell yeah that is right! You gotta prove your worthiness! I'm not saying bend over backwards for me, but it take more than just being a gentleman.
Needs a lot of stamina - I think that speaks for itself.
Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis!!!! - DING DING DING DING! I think we got a winner!!!! Listen, I know that you know that I know you like me.... but don't be stubborn and cocky about it. Note of chivalry that ALL guys should take down: Even if it's just a text message in the morning or an IM or written note, told to the face or written on a piece of napkin.... give us a compliment, a good morning note, something that says I like you or I'm thinking about you.

Your dating style: Very true
I don't like distractions.... going out at a resteraunt can be a good thing every once in a while, but I like intimate conversations and surrounding.... even if it is eating chinese on the couch watching a movie (candles could be a plus... but we won't go there)

Seduction style: uuuummm..... well, I can't really tell just yet.
rreaaallly..... interesting

Tips for the future:
Secretive - I try not to be.... my rule: if you don't like me the way I am... then I guess it just ain't gonna happen. Don't try to change and I won't try to change you... plain and simple
Let go of jealousy - Does this person realize how hard that is to do!!!!!??? obviously not
So I should spend more time 1. shopping 2. working (and making money to spend for shopping) 3. sun tanning 4. running 5. swimming 6. spinning my flag and writing work..... I think I can do that

Best color to attract mate (mate!!?? they make it seem to barbaric)
dark red.... heeellllz yeah! favorite color (besides black and blue..... and silver... and green)

Best day for a date:
Tuesday!!!? Hhhmmm.... any connection with not having band practice on tuesdays!!?

Well I think over all this is a good profile of me and my "love life." I hope I haven't scared anyone... does this make me seem high maintence?? I'm not kidding... does it!? I hope not. I'm really not....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER**: I'm generaly quite candid and I have warned you about this already. What I'm about to say is not meant to offend or criticize. It's just a humble opinion about the post in your blog. It is intended to be as impersonal as possible, and is to be taken at face value only ('cause you know how bad many women are about trying to interpet things in the worst possible way ;).

"making people I date feel extremely wanted "... There is a thin line between feeling 'extremely wanted' and feeling smothered. Women often cross that line (and are never told).

"tend to be paranoid and think the worst is going on with your lover "... This is where jealousy originates and is caused by either/both a mistrust of one's partner or personal insecurity. Mistrust of one's partner is a good sign that there is a mismatch of personalities in the realtionship (meaning that one person is not as trustworthy as the other requires). Everyone has insecutiries, but paranoia may be a sign that a person isn't ready to be in a relationship where they become emotionally vulnerable.

"Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis!!!! "... The need for constant reminders for reassurance also sounds like the manifestation weighty insecurity. Granted, you did say 'appreciate' not 'need', but I suspect that if constant reassurance isn't given the paranoia and jealousy rear their ugly heads. Furthermore, I highly doubt that a man or woman exists who would not tire (to the point of becoming bitter) of having to constantly reaffirm their love and loyalty to their partner.

The post doesn't make you seem high maintenance in the sense of physical appearence (which is good, because you don't need maintenance to look great!), but from a relationship standpoint, the same isn't apparent (at least in my humble interpetation).

I agree whole-heartedly with "Don't try to change and I won't try to change you." While compromise is an important part of any relationship, no person should feel compelled to change who they are to maintain a relationship. In a good relationship, both partners complement eachother's personality as they are at their core.

11:35 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

True that I can be a little "smothering" (especially in places where I don't know too many people.... insecurity number 1: shyness!!!) but believe me when I say this - I say to myself "Am I being too imposing?" a lot of times. However, if the guy doesn't object to anything, then I assume that he is fine with it (unless he expresses to me otherwise later the next day or something). So, PLEASE!, tell me if I'm being overbearing.

The website says paranoid, but I think I'm just insecure. I tend to be too trusting, which usually comes to bite me in the ass most of the time. I know people are supposed to earn their trust, but I like to trust until people lose my trust. I guess this makes me such an easy target and extremely vulnerable (and quite possibly ignorant and naive). I guess I go along with the "innocent until proven guilty." And I think I have been trampled on enough times in my life to not be jealous very much anymore.

It's not a necessity to be "smothered" with compliments.. and by daily basis I didn't mean every day! (Goodness! I think I would feel smothered then!!) By daily basis I mean like once a week... at most!!!!

I'm flattered by the not needing the physical maintenance *blushing* However, from the relationship standpoint.... I hope I don't turn out too be that bad (at least not as bad as my sister *ouch*)

I believe a good friendship (and relationship) are founded on communication, trust, mutuality, and compromise (not in any specific order). I have a deep respect for all those things.

P.S. I don't need things.... I appreciate them greatly ;)

I think that is everything I have to say... I'll post more if I do.

12:40 AM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

Go to like two posts previous to this one and click on the link "scorpio"

5:23 PM  

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