Monday, May 02, 2005

The system is no longer fucked

It's happy dance time!!

Even though my English grade might be a B, there is a good chance that the History grade might be an A!!Here is the following email conversation *NOTE: you must read the bottom message first and work way up... sorry*

Ginnie-- I'm certainly convinced that you took it. I hate to make you do it again, but that might indeed be the easiest solution at this point. Why don't you drop by my office a few minutes before the review session -- LeConte 111. Sorry about this! JI

---- Original message ---->Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 15:39:51 -0400>From: >Subject: Re: missing quiz >To: John Inscoe >">>>

It was the Praying for Sheetrock quiz. I sent out an email
>to all the TA's asking for them to look through their
>stacks. I even gave a description of my quiz cuz I made a
>big mistake. I've only heard back from Mao (my TA) and
>James, both of whom have not found my quiz.
>>I don't know how I can prove I was there (unless attendence
>was taken) but maybe this will help: I messed up on the
>second or thrid question which asked about what character I
>thought was most memorable besides Tom Poppel and Alston
>Thurnell. I accidently misread the question and answered
>why I thought Alston Thurnell was most memorable. After I
>realized my mistake I scratched it all out (in blue ink) and
>wrote my real answer - Revrend Grovner was the most
>memorable in my opinion (next to Thurnell and Poppell).
>>Somehow I don't think very many quizzes had that on there. I
>doubt this really proves that I took the quiz, but if there
>is any other way, I will do it. Maybe I can retake the quiz
>tomorrow during the review session.

>>---- Original message ---->>Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 15:25:42 -0400>>From: John Inscoe >>Subject: Re: missing quiz >>To:>>>>

Ginnie-- Don't worry; we'll get this straightened out. Can
>>you clarify which quiz you're referring to? Was it Flags of
>>Our Fathers? That was the other one, along w/ Praying for
>>Sheetrock, that I think the TA's passed back on Thursday. >JI >>

>>>>---- Original message ---->>>Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:17:45 -0400>>>From: >>>Subject: missing quiz >>>To:>>>>>>

Professor Inscoe,
>>>>>>My name is Virginia Rose Poorbaugh. I attend your
>>>Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 - 3:15pm lecture class. This past
>>>Thursday, April 28th, we received our term paper and
>Praying For Sheetrock quiz. However, according to my TA, my book
>>>quiz was misplaced, I never received a grade, and my TA
>>>never got a quiz to grade. I was, without a doubt,
>present the day we took the quiz. My TA, Mao Lin, said that maybe
>>>the quiz mistakenly was mixed with another TAs. I can only
>>>hope that this happened. Otherwise, Mao said that he must
>>>assume that I did not take the quiz and therefore, I would
>>>receive a zero.
I wish to have this speedily taken care of and without
>>>trouble. But I do not want to receive a zero for a quiz
>>>that I took (unless that is the grade I deserve for
>>>incorrectly answering the questions). I should not have to
>>>be penalized for the TAs misplacing my quiz.
>>>>>>I hope there is some way to take care of this situation.>
>>>Virginia Poorbaugh

Oh wow.... How joyous!!!! So I will definitely only have to make an 85 on the final instead of a 109... I think that is feesable (sp?)

Do a little dance
Making a little love
Get down tonight
Get down tonight

I'll be getting down with chemistry tonite... even more fun!! Whoohoo!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very happy this worked out for you. Glad your professor seems like a reasonable guy, even though your TA is not.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Trey said...

...And I'm glad you're not being bent over a desk by the History dept. anymore! This weekend will be better, I get to hang out with you guys all day. Good luck on your finals, and here's hoping the Mexicans can give me another week of automotive bliss...

4:58 PM  

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