Things I've learned so far this semester
This is nothing academic (for I will forget everything over the summer). I'm talking about college life and just life in general:
Most TA's are a pain in the ass and don't speak English
Jittery Joe's coffee is best at 11pm (Starbuck's works too)
Water and bread are the best things for a hang over
Dry heeving (sp?) sucks (You know this one all too well, Jon)
Friend's 21st Birthday's are awesome
Any kind of party is fun
Have a goodly supply of mini trashbags when driving drunk people home (they might just throw up)
Getting all A's is very hard to do (but do-able!!!)
PE classes are the best way to meet incredibly great guys ;)
Moving out of the dorms is a hell of a lot easier than moving in
Russell Hall sucks
Classes get in the way of college life
ALWAYS check to see if your alarm clock is off if you will not be returning to your room that night (oops!)
It sucks when you lock yourself out of your room after just taking a shower (slightly embarassing to walk down to front desk in nothing but a robe)
Nobody pays attention to quiet hours
SLC stands for Students Lacking in Concentration
The big fluffy chairs in the SLC are for sleeping... not studying
History professors are the coolest
Prof Atwood and Stanton are two of the biggest douchebags in the chem department
When life throws you lemons.... get some tequila and salt
Pink Panty Pull-Down is an incredible drink (Vodka and Everclear!!!?? What a combo!)
Subway is open til midnight
Without friends, I don't know where I would be (Thanks guys.... I love you!)
Sometimes you just have to go with the flow... go along with life
Laughter is the best thing when stressed
Crying sucks
Florida rocks (not the football team.... as a vacation spot)
Ramen Noodles saved my life more than once
Stalkers are creepy
People keep asking me for advice on girls/relationships.... WHY!? I haven't had one successful relationship (ever!). Here's my philosophy: Deal with it. If you love/like a person very much, then you'll get through it.
Girls (including myself) read too much into things
Hockey games are awesome
Mitch Hedberg... may he rest in peace
The Catholic Center is awesome
The gynob is a scary place (thank goodness it's only once a year!!!!!)
I suck at taking shots
It takes approximately two medium-strong drinks to get my tipsy
I am my father's daughter
I don't pick up after myself (much)
I drink powerade and water like it's going out of style
I started planning my apartment right when I signed my lease
3 months from today Band Camp starts (SWEET!!)
Taxes suck
Don't belive everything you hear
Looks can be deceiving
Don't blindly trust your leaders
Always smile, you never know who's looking
The dining halls are okay
Always remember to have a little fun.... school is important, but if you don't have fun, then what is the point?
These are the best days of our lives
:-D You've learned a lot this year! And trust me, the things you listed above are all more important than that crap your professors taught you in those classes.
Sure as hell is...
Every thing I will be taught as an undergrad for the next three years will mean NOTHING!!!
Well, I don't know about that. Per my sister, all those bio and chem classes you have to take will actually be somewhat helpful during your DVM program.
Oh... I know the bio stuff will help me out... and i guess half of the chem (o-chem)... and maybe anatomy... and...
ok ok ok... so maybe not ALL my classes mean nothing.
But a good few of them
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