Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Break

is the best time of year.... besides summer break (which there won't be much of one).

Anyway, the finals are done and the grades are in. Didn't quite turn out as well as I had hoped, but I can't really do anything about it now. here's the results of a completely shitty and stressful semester:

O Chem - B (no surprise there...)
Lab - B (Complete bullshit....)
Bio- A (excellent!)
Poul- A (sweetness!)
Band/Flagline- A
Geog- B (and that was supposed to be my fluff class... so much for that...)

3 A's and 3 B's..... I'm ever so slightly peeved about the ochem lab and geog grades.... maybe I slacked off too much this semester.

So next semester I can't slack off as much. Here's the schedule for next semester and what I hope to get in the class (best case scenario) HAHAHAHA:
Biochem- A (more like a B)
Ochem- B
Lab- A
Physics- A
Lab- A
Poul seminar - A
AESC seminar- A

So as you can see, I have high hopes for next semester... I must redeem myself. Also next semester, I need to start thinking about my application to the vet school in october. Biology subject GRE, the regular GRE and writting assessment... YUCK! Recommendations.... I need to start sucking up at work.
I also need to start finding as job in Athens. I believe that this will prove to be the biggest challenge. As much as I love working in a Vet, I think it may be a little tough to find a job as a Tech. I may resort to bartending, which wouldn't be to aweful.... good tips.

Ok, I need to get ready for work!


Blogger Dave said...

You will do fine baby...but those grades you anticipate are pretty ambitious...but I love you anyway, no matter what you get

2:57 PM  

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