Wednesday, December 28, 2005


was decent. Kat and I went to Alabama on the 23 (Christmas Eve Eve) where we relaxed and stuff... got on my parents nerves and stuff. My dad knocked over his cosmopolitian and some of it splashed into my laptop. It got a hangover and didn't work for about 24 hours.... guess it just needed to sleep it off. But I was not in the least bit amused, especially since one of my presents was a laptop carrier.

I pretty much got everything on my christmas list. A few extras were the pajama pants and ...... a toolbox. Which I though was pretty cool since I just keep all my tools in random places (my car trunk, draws in my apartment).

Christmas dinner was really good. I made the Waldorf salad (apples, grapes, and walnuts.. Mmmmm). Everything else was easy too... and then, it wouldn't be christmas without the honey baked ham. I got my own ham from work too, which I will cook up when I get to athens later.

Next weekend is New Years... and inevitably, the sugar bowl... I mean, nutrisweet bowl. It's not really the sugar bowl because it's not in the no longer existing New Orleans. I really don't want to go this year. I would rather work.... I don't remember the routine....

Well, I need to get ready for work. :) Hopefully I'll get out on time. None of those last minute people that come in about nothing and it can wait til tomorrow morning. I mean seriously.. The hit by car is definitely an exception, but a "my dog is lethargic and not eat as much" can wait.... GGRRRRR.

Ok... work.


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