Sunday, February 19, 2006


as I was watching TV I saw something about 9/11 and how it could have been "prevented."

First off.... I am not anit-war. I'm all for kicking ass if other countries are out of line. But not when the under lying problem is getting what we want... oil.

I don't really give a shit what the rest of you think I'm just getting my opinion out there. So no bashing comment are allowed.

Personally, I think that had the government taken all that money given to the military to invade the Middle East and put it toward finding fuel substitutions, we could have avoided this whole situation the U.S. is in right now. We wouldn't be in incredible debt. Fuck... put Clinton back in office! Things were going great! Who cares if he had an affair! He was an excellent leader...

Just my opinion...

homework and laundry to do.


Blogger Dave said...

Unfortunately, using sexual invective to describe someone diverts attention from their positive attributes...look at Tiberius

11:53 PM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

I thought I made myself clear that there would be no bashing of this post. You all should fuck off....

Granted I may not know everything about the war in Iraq. And quite frankly, I could give flying fuck!!! I was merely stating maybe we should put our resources else where. It's not like fuel supply will wait on our sorry asses before we get up the nerve to start look for new sources of power elsewhere.


9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if certain leaders were getting good sex often, there would be less war. Seriously, if Saddam Hussein had been having wild and crazy sex, do you think he would have bothered gassing the Kurds or invading Kuwait? I think not. Something to be said about ol' Bill and Monica when you look at it from that perspective, eh? W? I don't think he's getting much in the sack.

12:37 AM  
Blogger Ginnie said...


Ahh... the wisdom of Jon at it's best. :)

7:24 PM  

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