Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So my prediction was right on organic...


Yup.... but don't worry. Everything on the test wasn't covered in class

So anything they teach i'll know not to study.. just everything else they don't mention.
Organic professors are so oblivious and dumb.

anyway, so I now have a C in organic (at least the grading curve gives me something to look forward too... the higest score was a 99. That means the teachers aren't doing their job correctly.)

I took the biochem test today. I think I made in the B range. But it was the most awfully put together test in the history of all tests... worse than organic. Nothing had any application to it. Not to mention that who the fuck cares what the basis for heme is.... AARRGG!!!

BOOO for ochem and biochem.


Blogger Dave said...

If the test was put together worse, how did you end up with a higher score? Heme uptake is of paramount importance, especially with the rise of anitbiotic resistant strains of pathogens. Certain bacteria, such as Shigella disenteriae and niesseria meningitidis depend exclusively on scavenging heme from the host's bloodstream to supply their redox potentials for respiration, as well as other essential biochemistry. Without it, they cannot proliferate. Mammals are solely dependent on heme as a way to transport oxygen throughout the tissues. So, in answer to your question, heme is fundamental to our species existence...shouldn't you, being the biologist you are, care about its basic structural components?

9:37 AM  
Blogger Ginnie said...

I don't think I should have to be able to draw it from memory. I realize it is an esstial to part to our existence, but seriously, I can look in a book. Isn't it enough that I know that there's an iron in the middle four nitrogen-carbon five membered rings????

You even said it yourself... even you didn't know what the structure of it was. Hypocritic!!!

2:15 PM  

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