Sunday, March 19, 2006

End of Spring Break summary

Ok. So here is the jist:

all work and studying and no play makes Ginnie a dull girl. It's true.
However (comma... as Mr. Eells would say) Mr. Eells decided to take me away from my dull solitude as Kat has left me alone with the bitch (snowflake... the mean white cat who was currently diagnosed with cancer. I knew she should have stopped smoking) to go to Alabama with her new beau, Mr. Tennessee to meet the Parents. dun.. dun dun dun.. DUN!! (if you can read that musically please). Hopefully he will be useful to my parents in the event of getting plywood up in the attic to aid in storage of all out crap (decorations and the such).

Anyway, so Mr. Eells and I went to the mall to see "V for Vendetta" which was actually quite good. I thought it would have been kind of a cheesy modern/future zorro like character. This fact turned fiction was only partially true.

The movie was a mixture of Zorro mets Batman mets Phantom of the Opera. I think that is an excellent analogy. Anyway, the movie was very good. Natalie Portman is hot as always. Yes, I said that she was hot.... it's true. End of Spring break.

I find it quite sad that we are running out of movies to make. Instead, movie makers decide to take an old idea and reform it just a little. For example, The shaggy dog... remake... terrible. It WAS a classic. Now they just ruined it. Posideon.... tsunami mets Titanic instead of iceberg.... enough said. I want to see an original idea!!! V for Vendetta wasn't neccessarily original, but VERY inventive.

Four Stars... two thumbs up!


Blogger Ginnie said...

I thought it was good. There's a.... oh I don't want to ruin it. Go see it!

10:43 PM  

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