Monday, July 31, 2006

The Bitching Hour

The only times I really "bitch" about things is when I'm really pissed about something. Case point: I'm taking a genetics course in which my teacher is the most incompetent moron on the planet. For example, in ALL of this tests, there are NUMEROUS mistakes which cause me to have a lower grade.
"I'm sorry I answered it correctly but your fucking key is wrong and the TAs are too incompetent to realize that. "

Also, during his lectures, they don't correspond with what he has up on the website as the prelims (most of the time). And he spends so much fucking time on some stuff that we don't get through everything and then he says "yeah, i'm sorry guys. I didn't get to such and such topicS. You're still held accountable for those sectionS." Notice the capitals letter to emphasize the pluralization of topics and sections. He has done this same thing throughout the semester and I'm just plain fucking sick of it!!!!

Another annoyance: I gave him my Exam 4 to correct a problem on about last Thursday and still hasn't done it because he's in the middle of packing and moving to Miss.
"Excuse me UGA, but if you have a professor moving at the end of the semester when he won't even be around to ask questions, don't hire him to teach that semester!!! Hire someone else!!" Anyway, I wouldn't have my exam 4 to study from for the final. So I said "why don't you just put these tests out side of the genetics office with all the other tests?" He said, "Wow! That's a good idea. I"m glad someone is thinking of these things."

(jaw drops)

WTF!!!?? I'm a fucking student! I shouldn't have to look over my professor's shoulder to make sure he's doing his job correctly!!!!! The job title of student means: Learning from the professor and during SOME independent study to maximize and expand your knowledge of a subject. NOT teaching yourself everything and tell the professor how to do his job!!!

Am I wrong in my thoughts here? I think not. fucking moron!!!!!!!!!

Well... now I need to go off and teach myself everything there is to know about genetics....

Friday, July 28, 2006

It's a small world

I just had the most fun and interesting conversation with a "new" friend of mine. The new is in " " because we've been aquainted with each other (under the most unusual circumstances) but have actually never met and have never really talked to each other face to face.

We know each other through a common "friend" by the name of brandon. Brandon is an interesting character... manipulative, jealous, alpha male, and most of all stupid cheater.... and drug addict most recently (and supposedly recovered due to lack of funds to support said addiction). Anyway, we had a good time poking fun at him for being and becoming such a loser. I love making new friends in this particular manner... this definitely isn't the first. I've noticed that with most of my ex-boyfriends, I have had the uncanny ability to make friends with all of their past and current girlfriends. It brings me such joy to talk about the faults and failings of these guys and debate on why the hell we were ever so attracted to him.

It all makes me realize how happy and lucky I am right now :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hot Times...

Summer in the..... Apartment??

Correct. So apparently rates for power have doubled. Half the number of people at the apartment (2 instead of 4). Normally, the bill is around 80 dollars, so my half is about 20 to 25 dollars. This month (for June), I paid $77.77. That's right... $77.77. The total bill was $155 and some odd cents.

So half the number of people but TWICE the bill..... so I'm paying about 3.5 times what I was paying in the winter. I'm slightly urked by the situation. I had to ask my parents for more money because... well... they don't send me enough (ha.. right...). I love my parents.

I still haven't recieved my paycheck for the time I worked July 1st. That's a good 50 bucks that should have been put toward my credit card bill....

My genetics teacher can't teach worth shit. "So I realize that i didn't exactly cover these topics, but yet you are still responsible for them on the exam." Jerk off. I don't know why I go to class sometimes.... Seriously. Grrr.....

Maybe a shower will cool me off... since my apartment is so fucking hot!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

My personality...

trait snapshot:
depressed, introverted, neat, needs things to be extremely clean, observer, perfectionist, not self revealing, does not make friends easily, suspicious, irritable, hates large parties, follows the rules, worrying, does not like to stand out, fragile, phobic, submissive, dislikes leadership, cautious, takes precautions, focuses on hidden motives, good at saving money, solitary, familiar with the dark side of life, hard working, emotionally sensitive, prudent, altruistic, heart over mind, unadventurous

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Random quizzes

You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romanceYou love to kiss under the stars or by the seaThe perfect kiss involves the perfect moodIt's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Random quizzes

You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romanceYou love to kiss under the stars or by the seaThe perfect kiss involves the perfect moodIt's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cold In July??

I want to know... how can a cold with flu-like symptoms survive in fucking 90 degree weather???
Apparently through people... such as David's room mate.
This past weekend I was supposed to work and then attend a wedding at which I was supposed to have a great time dancing with David. Unfortunately, we had the unlucky opportunity to be host to a virus that comes on as a sore throat and in about four hours attacks every part of your body like a flu: aches... chills... "slight" fever....coughing.... head ache.... the works. What a sucky way to spend a wedding. The food was good though. David and I were so miserable we had to leave before the cutting of the cake. I felt bad for making my parents leave early :( At least I got to spend time with them.

P.S. Apparently, I'm okay at Bocce (sp?) ball...hehe.

Today is July 4th: and I still feel a little like shit. I need to take showers like twice to three times a day.

I have a test tomorrow.... I get to spend my day off doing what I'm not supposed to be doing.... studying and doing homework. FUCK! I'm never taking another summer class again.... maybe if it were a short session.... GRRR!!!