Thursday, September 02, 2004

Ego Problem?

Ok... so I was having a pretty good day today....

Chem was ok... stupid people asking stupid questions... what else is new?
English... whatever.... teacher has some kind of sweating problem
Chem lab.... just about late because the buses were packed so i had to haul ass to chem building from SLC
Latin... boring as always..... test tomorrow... think i'll study?

Practice.... pretty darn good... got uniforms today....

CSA.... ok... now I get pissed.... trivia night... supposed to be fun right?
Well.. fun to me is being asked some little kiddie questions.... no hard ass questions....

so as a result I feel like I know absolutely NOTHING about my religion... NOTHING! Let me repeat... N-O-T-H-I-N-G! NOTHING

I feel inferior... vulnerable to the world. I am Ginnie's vulnerability... I hate being exposed.

Maybe this is an ego thing, but I hate it when people tell me I don't do work (when I am working my ass off) or make me feel stupid. I just get angry about such things....

Does this happen to anyone else?... or is it just me?


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