Monday, September 27, 2004

Why do I hate English again??

Hmmmm... English... my least favorite subject. Why? Gee... I don't know. Maybe it's because I am not a very creative person, and I'm not very good at analyzing.... I don't know. Or maybe it's because my teacher decided to use a part of my paper to show people what NOT to do in their papers.... I think that hit the spot. I understand some of the stuff I wasn't supposed to do.... too wordy.... to obvious of a fact... blah blah blah. I was just filling in space. Oh well.

Anyway, I am a scientific person. Very methodical and robotic in writing. I am used to writing down every detail... including the most obvious ones! cuz I have to... otherwise I will be counted off.. and they expect me to just flip flop and change that!? Most essays I have to write are almost like checklists... so what was this paper like? Yes went through each item and bascially checked it off. It had very little personality (like everything I do) and very methodical. English Majors can kiss my ass.... as a result I got a 75 on my first english paper. I guess I can understand it... esp when I actually get to see my paper. Maybe I had a few grammar errors that lowered my grade drastically.... I wish. I just can't "emphasize myself" when I write... unless it's something I care about (such as what I'm writing right now). Gggrrrrrr....

Maybe I can make a come back on my next paper....


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