Monday, January 31, 2005

Random quiz that I made up...

Yeah..... I'm bored

1. How old are you?

2. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

3. Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff?

4. Who sings worse: Alanis Morsett or Ashlee Simpson? (Yes, I know both of them suck, but for the sake of this quiz.... you must choose)

5. What do you look for in a girl/boy (which ever you prefer)?

6. mustang or corvette?

7. Mountains or the beach?

8. Sunrise or Sunset?

9. Morning or night?

10. Coffee or tea?

11. Dating tends to skip the friendship stage of the relationship. Agree or Disagree?

12.Dating often mistakes a physical relationship as love. Agree or Disagree?

13. "I think part of the problem today is that we've reduced sex to some sort of sport. We need manuals and color-coded charts. Instead of being an expression of the intimacy and commitment of a husband and wife, it's all about performing. I think that's part of the reason there's so much sexual dysfunction today-people are terrified that they won't live up to Hollywood's definition of the perfect lover." Agree or Disagree?

14. Arby's or Subway?

15. McDonald's or Sonic?

16. Favorite Dog?

17. Do you like cats?

18. It's Valentine's weekend, I'm stuck at home babysitting my cats while my parent's are out for the weekend. Would it ever cross your mind to ask me to a movie or even call to see how I was doing?

19.Fav. Ice cream flavor?

20. What is your goal/dream/ambition?

So... today didn't turn out exactly as planned

Well.... I'm ending the note on a good note! How fortunate for me, but not my check book or my Bio class.

Everything went according to plan (except I didn't finish my essay... oops!). I even get done with everything at the SLC EARLY!!!!! AH! I couldn't believe it. So when I got back.... I took a nap. Got up and ready for the partylight party. I went to sonic and got a cheeseburger with everything....ah! It was deeelish!

So the party..... I spent 90 bucks. hehehe.... that's a day and a half of working for me! :P
And the night only got better cuz they had pizza dip (cream cheese topped with pizza sauce and mozzerella cheese... omg!... and it's baked of course...Mmmmmmm)!!!!

And I "lost track of time" (aka I really didn't want to leave the party), so I missed bio study session. Oopsy!

Anyway, I think I may turn in soon.

Dear God.... Please Help

Writing in my blog is just so much easier to write in. No restrictions, no grammar, no mundane topics to write on... well, unless you think my life is a mundane topic. Don't comment on that unless you have something nice to say. Thanx.

So.... yet AGAIN I am writing in this thing to avoid my homework.... writing an essay. The rough draft is due tomorrow. Oh well. I have the introduction done. So everything else should be pretty easy to do. Just need to get my thoughts in order.... cuz Ginnie is good at that! *wink*
Does anyone want to write an essay on how writers effectively use the appeals of argument in persuasion? Oh come on! Anyone, anyone, anyone? (Gotta quote Ferris Buller) Surely someone out there is willing to write this damn thing for me. *sigh* nevermind.

I wish Ramsey were open. I would go running again. (P.S. I got my time for the two mile down to 17 min 3 secs)

Random bit of info: IT'S GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON!!!!!! I got 2 boxes of like everything!
Happy and joyous day! :) It will be even nicer when they actually come in!

So just for the sake of keeping my sanity ( and to prove to you that I am a very busy person...) let's just take a look at what Ginnie has in store for tomorrow:
8-9 wake up, get ready to greet the day, eat semi-heatly breakfast
905-955 - chemistry
1010-11 - biology
1110-1 - break: write the rest of rough draft, lunch
125-215- english: peer edit papers
230-645-SLC to kill my brain off (SLC... that sounds like a drug doesn't it.... LSD... SLC.. eh, it could happen)
645-7 - dinner
730-830- candle party (thanx Megan and Lauren for the invite!)
9-?? (God knows what time) - Bio study session

So as you can see.... I will be missing out on my usual run. I hope I can survive!

Well, I really MUST be getting back to my kick ass essay. Have a good night!

Friday, January 28, 2005


I don't understand....
I... just.... don't... understand.....

Don't ask please.... just need to think....

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Ok.... so yet again I am putting off doing homework. I ran two miles at Ramsey (17 min 24 sec.... not bad if i say so myself) and I worked out. I saw Dan and Dan there.... that was interesting. At first they thought I was just someone who looked like me. Did that make any sense!? Anyway, had a very short conversation with them.... worked out some more. Ran to ECV to eat something decent since my lunch today comprised of two bags of animal crackers and water. Mmmmmmmm..... healthy isn't it?

Anyway. All this reading is really getting to me.... History I have a novel (which isn't too bad) and two textbooks I have to read. I also have three other novels (haven't gotten to those yet.... dear God). Biology.... first test is next Wed and still have to outline chp. 6. :( *sigh* And Bio Lab.... Oh My God in Heaven, please have Mercy on me. It's due tomorrow and all the info is fucked up. I knew I shouldn't have trusted my partners. DDuuurrrrr.... control freak much?! LOL. Just SOOOOO much reading.... I think I'm about to rip my hair out.... or go crazy. Whichever comes first.

Now I'm wishing I had stayed at Ramsey longer and just ran some more. I find comfort in it. Can't wait til it warms up though... then I can run the trails at the intermural fields :) I also wish it were still marching season. I love spinning.... prolly even more than I love running. I can just enjoy myself. I get to forget everything. In those instances I get to let go. I feel free of responsibility and any burdens this pathetic life of mine decides to throw at me (can you tell I'm a pessimist?).

Oh well, I must return to reality and go on with all these mundane tasks my teachers put upon me. yay.

Friday, January 21, 2005


Yes..... I've reached perfection!

I can fit into my size 6 pants without trouble :P .
I can run a mile in 7 mins 43 secs.

That, my friends, is my version of perfection for the night.

Perfection.... it's good thing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I hate technology

Need I say more?

My microwave doens't like to pop popcorn correctly.... it burns it and it doesn't pop even half the kernels in the bag! WTF?

The fucking dvd player I bought doesn't like to play dvds..... stupid walmart. I'm making them take it back with or withouth a reciept.... and I'm getting money back for it too. Otherwise I'm gonna raise Hell!

The dvd I want to watch has a scratch on it and it doesn't work in my computer's dvd reader.

GGRRRRRRRR.... I just needed to vent.

Monday, January 17, 2005

God's sense of humor....

Life has it's quirks.... that and God has His funny way of going about things.

Last week I was a little down... no real reason that I can think of. I was just in a depressed kind of mood... trying to count how many "real" friends I have (ones that I know and they know me really well... etc). Just thinking about how busy I am.... how I don't have a boyfriend.... haven't been on real date in a long time (like a year....*tear*)

Now some of my really good guy friends (Jon, Julius, Eells, Hoff....) would tell me right now. Why are you bummed out about this!? You are beautiful and can get any guy you want.... that's the problem. Any guy I want.... that would be great except for one thing..... I don't want just any guy. I'm not quite sure what I want. I made a list earlier in this blog, but does that really describe who I want? Those are all good attributes.... but they don't really add up to anything?
Anyway.... my point is that I thought my life kinda sucked at that moment.

But God has his unusual ways of cheering me up.... He has me help and comfort others in the same position (in a general depressed state) as me. It's quite a task He likes to put upon me, but I know it's for a reason. I get to listen to my own words of wisdom and be like.... why can't i ever say this to myself!? haha. Lord works in mysterious ways.....

Friday, January 14, 2005

Yeah... so what

Hey everyone! I guess I should update....

Well, I left off at Finals.

I got all A's this semester! Hellz yeah!

I worked and worked and worked some more over winter break. The Animal Hospital decided that they would start paying me. I have such a great time working there, and I'm learning so much! I really hope this helps with my application to Vet School!

Christmas was good... Gary decided to tell me that my butt was getting a little on the *cough* large side. Needless to say I took offense. Now I'm at Ramsey practically everyday...hehe... results are lookin good so far, if I must say so myself. I got just about everything on my xmas list, except a few dvd's and all the cd's. oh well!

Outback.... INCREDIBLE! I had such a good time.... for what I can remember! SSHHHH! I seriously didn't get all that drunk New Year's. I called up a bunch of my friends to wish them a Happy New Year. Then I called my sis and bro's party where I talked to everyone there (I miss them so much)! My dad told me to take a shot for him! LOL how hilarious is that!? Beach was wonderful and the hot tub! Oh man... glorious!

Ok... so now I'm up to the beginning of the semester. So far so good I think. History and Biology I think are gonna be my two toughest.... chemistry i'm not quite sure about yet. English... whatever. Bio lab.... OMG! I have the hottest GLA! Makes the class totally worth it! ;P

So.... I think that's it... I lead a boring life!