Random quiz that I made up...
Yeah..... I'm bored
1. How old are you?
2. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
3. Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff?
4. Who sings worse: Alanis Morsett or Ashlee Simpson? (Yes, I know both of them suck, but for the sake of this quiz.... you must choose)
5. What do you look for in a girl/boy (which ever you prefer)?
6. mustang or corvette?
7. Mountains or the beach?
8. Sunrise or Sunset?
9. Morning or night?
10. Coffee or tea?
11. Dating tends to skip the friendship stage of the relationship. Agree or Disagree?
12.Dating often mistakes a physical relationship as love. Agree or Disagree?
13. "I think part of the problem today is that we've reduced sex to some sort of sport. We need manuals and color-coded charts. Instead of being an expression of the intimacy and commitment of a husband and wife, it's all about performing. I think that's part of the reason there's so much sexual dysfunction today-people are terrified that they won't live up to Hollywood's definition of the perfect lover." Agree or Disagree?
14. Arby's or Subway?
15. McDonald's or Sonic?
16. Favorite Dog?
17. Do you like cats?
18. It's Valentine's weekend, I'm stuck at home babysitting my cats while my parent's are out for the weekend. Would it ever cross your mind to ask me to a movie or even call to see how I was doing?
19.Fav. Ice cream flavor?
20. What is your goal/dream/ambition?