Tuesday, March 29, 2005

overall.... it was a good weekend :)

Well this past week and weekend have been great!!!

Friday: Went downtown with Matt which was very fun!! I hadn't gone downtown at all this semester. Sometimes you just have to let loose!

Saturday: The cookout with "the group" and plus some. This was very enjoyable and relaxing!!!

Easter Sunday was by far the best! Well.... for the most part anyway :)
I kinda wasn't able to go to church... there was no 5pm mass... Oops!
Chem and bio studying sucked... as usual.
I went out to dinner with Steven :)) *many much smiles* We talked and get to know eachother better. I absolutely loved it. He asked if I wanted to see a movie (after dinner) but I couldn't cuz of chemistry lab group work (DAMN YOU CHEMISTRY!!!)
But nonetheless it was fantastic!
Steven agreed to coming with me to the Gladiator's hockey game with "the group." (YAY!!) I should warn him that Jon will try to scare him off.

*note to jon: yes, i know that any guy i decide to date must have the group seal of approval. I have learned my lesson (brandon aka pinky fratastic douchbag). If he doesn't fit into the group then i shouldn't be dating him (possibility of just friends). However, I will still be warning him of your antics and tactics..... drinking giving a third degree... you are worse than my father. Please don't be an ass to him. That goes for the rest of the group too!!*

Well anyway! I believe that I must get off to bed! Early to bed, early to rise...

Thursday, March 24, 2005


So the past few nights I have stayed up til 3.30 writing papers and reports..... yeah.... lots of fun.

It's 11.30 and i'm tired as hell.... I'm going to bed soon.

Sorry this update sux.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Well, spring break has come and gone. And life is just as hectic as ever. I worked a lot over the break so I know I made some good spending money.... which I'm already starting to spend. I haven't treated myself to anything nice in a good long time. So this past weekend I went to Old Navy (which was having this awesome sale!) and bought a few things.

House-sitting for my sister had it's ups....I was paid in beer, liquor, and hard cider. I was thankful since I hadn't had a drink in two months.

I got a laptop!!! I guess all the complaining about hauling my huge computer and monitor and all the parts around finally sunk into my dad's think head.

Now I'm back at school. I still have so much to do with my papers: one due tonite, two due tomm (lab reports).

Other than that... things have been going good.

Note to Jon: I got his screen name (I grew some balls like you told me to do)
Note to Derek (Jon please give him the link): because my week has been so hectic and rushed.... SSKUUUUERT!

I think that's it for now!! I may decide to add more if I can make it through the rest of the day. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2005


So much to do and so little time:
- three papers: bio lab report, english research paper, and history term paper
- work
- house chores: mom ALWAYS wants me to do some sort of house hold repair(s) while I'm home.. grrrr
- take car in to get checked
-lots of reading...yay

I'm so confused on what to do in some situations. I should pray and let my heart and God guide me. But that's so hard to do sometimes. I'm not sure if I'm ready for some changes yet. I know I'm thinking about some situations way more seriously than they really are, but that's just my nature. What to do, what to do, what to do....???

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's a wonderful life

Good Afternoon to everyone!!! It is a glorious day in Athens at UGA!

Why do you ask!? Well.... I just got an 88 on my chemistry test!!!!!!! WHOOHOO!! I practically leapt for joy after my test was over.

Yesterday I stayed after raquetball again to play with this cute guy. We played for about two hours and a half hours (including class time). He's a chemistry/pre-pharmacy major and a senior! *giggling like a little school girl* Cute and Smart!!!?? Holy shit.... I hope he's single. I might be asking too much. Anyway, I see great potential for a great friendship (he can help me with organic!! :P).

I am about a thrid of the way through the book I have to read for history, which I have a quiz over tomm (guess I better read quickly!!).

*sigh* Life is wonderful.... until spring break hits... :P

Monday, March 07, 2005

I don't think I'll ever understand

I don't understand a lot of things that happen to me or to others. Sometimes there is just no explination, but just to say "things happen for a reason" or "it's all in God's litte plan for you."

I hate it. I hate being left in the unknown. I have a thirst for knowledge, I have a thirst for reason.

Boys and the things they do sometimes..... it's just so confusing.

It's giving me a headache trying to analyse the complex human male pysche. It keeps me up at night (other than just my pure insomnia... which is really starting to get on my nerves, but that's a horse of another color).

This is one battle I fear that I cannot win or understand the reason for my not winning.

On another note (but still in the same measure *wink*)...
What do boys look for in a girl? I know it's not necessarily the same for every guy. Does it change a lot with age? Are the standards lowered, highered... the same low, the same high? ("It is more likely to be killed by a terrorist than it is to find love over the age of 40..." Props to Sleepless in Seattle :) ... sorry that was a random thought). Someone please answer..... please.

Well... I need to put all this thinking energy toward my school work....

Sunday, March 06, 2005


I just had a very relaxing weekend.

Sleep over at Tiff's.... winterguard competition.... movies.... games..... steak n' shake.

Now I must do homework. :(

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Hey everyone!

So I am pretty sure I just bombed my History midterm.... I stayed up til about 3 am. Emmy and I went to waffle house where I had coffee and a big ass waffle. Mmmmmm... I drink coffee at the weirdest times!!!

My stalker didn't show up for lab tonight. yay!

I kicked ass in raquetball today :)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


You are now reading the blog of a girl who has just signed a lease with The Reserve. Is August 9th here yet? Cuz that's when I move in. Aren't they great!!!? Emmy and I get to move in before everyone else becuase of "academic reasons." AKA. Band Camp!!!! AHAHHAHAHAH!!!

Gotta' love it!

Crap.... I just came back to reality. Must study for mid-terms and bull like that.