overall.... it was a good weekend :)
Well this past week and weekend have been great!!!
Friday: Went downtown with Matt which was very fun!! I hadn't gone downtown at all this semester. Sometimes you just have to let loose!
Saturday: The cookout with "the group" and plus some. This was very enjoyable and relaxing!!!
Easter Sunday was by far the best! Well.... for the most part anyway :)
I kinda wasn't able to go to church... there was no 5pm mass... Oops!
Chem and bio studying sucked... as usual.
I went out to dinner with Steven :)) *many much smiles* We talked and get to know eachother better. I absolutely loved it. He asked if I wanted to see a movie (after dinner) but I couldn't cuz of chemistry lab group work (DAMN YOU CHEMISTRY!!!)
But nonetheless it was fantastic!
Steven agreed to coming with me to the Gladiator's hockey game with "the group." (YAY!!) I should warn him that Jon will try to scare him off.
*note to jon: yes, i know that any guy i decide to date must have the group seal of approval. I have learned my lesson (brandon aka pinky fratastic douchbag). If he doesn't fit into the group then i shouldn't be dating him (possibility of just friends). However, I will still be warning him of your antics and tactics..... drinking giving a third degree... you are worse than my father. Please don't be an ass to him. That goes for the rest of the group too!!*
Well anyway! I believe that I must get off to bed! Early to bed, early to rise...