Friday, May 06, 2005

I was quite...

Well... I SHOULD be studying for my History final....

But instead I shall enlighten you with my experience with finals so far.

English was on Wednesday from 7 to 10pm.... I finished at 9. I was quite surprised with myself. I preped for only one topic (they give you 10!! What are the odds that the one I prep for will not be on there... slim to none). The topic I prepped for wasn't the EXACT one, but it was close enough that I could bull shit my way through. I was quite pleased. That is the last english essay I will EVER have to write. Again... I was quite happy.

Chemistry was Thursday (yesterday) 7 to 10pm. HOLY SHIT!!! That thing was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Atwood was in there "proctoring" us. I stared him down for a good ten minutes of the final...... it took me the full three hours to finish that final and I didn't even get to look over my answers. I was quite pissed.
Afterwards Bonnie and I went to Snelling (along with the other half the school) to get some coffee and pizza... not a bad combo for 10 at night.

Today was Biology. Since I had to get a 90 on the final to get an A, I studied my ass off. Let's just say that I have seen ever question on the final before I entered the room. By studying all of the practice tests and tests from this semester (we get to keep the copy of the test), I basically aced the exam... it took me just under an hour to finish all 100 questions. I was QUITE pleased.

Now for the "unpleasant" part.... History. I don't take that final until Tuesday. But I have to get an 85 on the final to make an A in the class. Since I believe this will be my only B, my GPA won't suffer too much. But I will try to think positive and study my ass off from now until Tuesday.

But what about partying!!!??? I will try to get some in before the time comes for me to vamoose out of this place. Tomorrow is Flag line auditions (they know I'm good... so why do I have to try out again!!? Grrrrrrr.....). So if/when I go out tonite, I will have to "be good." I have spun a flag hung over before.... it be NOT fun (Bowl was new year's!!!! I couldn't help it). I can only imagine what LEARNING new flag work and then spinning would feel like.

Anyway, I'm gonna start reading for History... uuuurrrgggg.

Then.... Dan's 21st B-day party!! *Thinking - 2 drink minumum for tonite. hahahahahahah... riiiiiight. that'll happen*


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