Sunday, May 08, 2005

Weekend thus far...

So.... I made the flag line again... yay!!!!!
I wasn't too worried about it, except for the fact that I had a little bit of a headache and nausea from the night before.

Emmy is moved completely out and is now enjoying sleeping in her bed at home and showering without shower shoes. drat. Now I'm stuck here in this crummy place all by myself. Half my hall is gone too. It's a little depressing.

Today is mother's day. yay! I'm going to my sister's where we'll be celebrating both mother's day and my dad's birthday (52.... ouch). I told him he has another 8 years until he becomes a senior citizen....hahahahahaha. dang. That's when I graduated from Vet school (well, hopefully a year after that).

Any how, I've started making time lines for history. Yes, I know I am a nerd, but I have to do really really well on this final to keep my straight A's. Again, yes, I know that I am a nerd.

Well, I'm going to pack up even more shit that I don't need and head out to my sister's for the evening. I shall return monday morning/afternoon.


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